View Full Version : Feedback to Best Buy

Caged Anger
08-30-2005, 01:29 PM
First, the background. I've gotten into the Alien series that caught my attention off the $10 rack at WalMart but was $13...anyway. I bought the 2nd one first and then wished to find the other 3...looked on Best Buy for the 3rd because I had seen the first in Walmart. I found the 3rd very easily on Best Buy...found its price was a bit different from Walmart.

Upon asking me to give feedback for my purchase I had this to say:

"I came to your site knowing you had a large collection of movies available for purchase at what always seemed to be reasonable prices. Yesterday I purchased Aliens for $13 from Walmart. Tomarrow I will return to Walmart and buy Alien for $13. Tonight though, I am purchasing Aliens3 from your website for $26, by now means has this been a "Best Buy".


08-30-2005, 03:15 PM
Yuck! I didn't even care for the 3rd one (I definitely wouldn't recommend paying that much for number 4!) This definitely isn't a Best Buy - nice! :rofl:

Asian Invasian
08-30-2005, 03:56 PM
uh, best buy has always overchaged everything...

08-30-2005, 04:12 PM
me me me me... I want to buy over pirced stuff to :P

Caged Anger
08-30-2005, 04:31 PM
meh, it wasn't so bad. I had an old gift card to use up with $30 on it and as they price gauge everything else, it wasn't so bad.

So far my favorite has been the second one Aliens. Just watched Alien last ngith and while it was okay, there were too many stupid mistakes
(Alien on board, main ship about to explode, and what does she do? Leaves the escape pod door wiiiide open...smooth)

08-30-2005, 04:34 PM
Meh, you bougt the Alien DVD's? AMC channel plays reruns of it like crazy. I remember I watched all of them and "the making of" except for the one where no one had any weapons and they had to use each other as bait sort of.

08-30-2005, 04:34 PM
meh, it wasn't so bad. I had an old gift card to use up with $30 on it and as they price gauge everything else, it wasn't so bad.

So far my favorite has been the second one Aliens. Just watched Alien last ngith and while it was okay, there were too many stupid mistakes
(Alien on board, main ship about to explode, and what does she do? Leaves the escape pod door wiiiide open...smooth)

Aliens is generally considered the best in the series (I personally agree). People argue about whether Alien or Aliens3 is the next best, but the 4th is generally regarded as the worst.

Mad Fox
08-30-2005, 05:34 PM
Jeez maybe they will give u the better price?

08-30-2005, 05:36 PM
I will say this in favor of Best Buy. Most companies give their employees a percentage discount - like 10% off sticker price, etc. My brother's girlfriend worked there this summer - her discount was 5% above cost. We were getting $20 headsets for $2, and stuff like that. It was great!

Die Hard
08-30-2005, 06:50 PM
I saw the first Alien at the BIG Screen cinama. At the time it was the largest cinama in Birmingham (my home city) and man, it scared me half to death.

Perhaps the funniest thing was watching the 'tough guys' I went to see it with squirming in their seats.

Still prefer Aliens though :thumbs: