View Full Version : Kat made me this sig

Doc Holliday
08-31-2005, 03:25 AM
What ya think??

08-31-2005, 03:52 AM
Very Nice!!!:thumbs:

08-31-2005, 04:20 AM

OUTLAWS high ping camper
08-31-2005, 04:32 AM
Looks nice :thumbs:

08-31-2005, 04:48 AM
I am blushing... I made this one for me.. but Doc's looks a lot better.. I need to add im your huckleberry to his and it will be complete

09-01-2005, 02:18 AM
They look good! :thumbs: Nice job, KAT!

I'm taking a class on web designs that includes a lot on Photoshop, so I'm hoping to be giving you guys a run for your money soon! :D

09-01-2005, 05:15 AM
http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/4492/background18ou.jpgI hope so... this is my lastest work of art well that is finished

09-03-2005, 08:06 PM
:eek: Woah! Maybe I won't be giving you a run for your money any time soon!!!