View Full Version : what's the best i could build with this

Free Styler
09-01-2005, 01:34 AM
radeon x800 pro agp
dac type internal dac (400Mhz)
total memory 256.0MB
Made by asus

Ok so that's a card i bought not long ago and i think it was a bad move considering my mobo is very cheap.

Well what is the best rig i could build with this card Meaning everything but vid card.
I'll keep the other puter for music and downlaods.

I live in canada so if you have links please make shure they deliver there.
Oh and my most important question.Do you think i can build a top notch computer with this card or is it to late and sli would of been the awnser.

Bigg i know you know your stuff any suggestions.
mobo?memory?processor?HD?power supplie?case?monitor?

to be honest i have no clue if the 939 64 chip set or 754 chip set is the best for this.I'm not really well informed.

09-01-2005, 05:27 AM
to be honest, the socket 754 is not a bad setup. it actually is just as good as the 939 boards. i have done crazy testing and the features that the 939 offer do nothing for the average user. people say you wont be able to upgrade but really thats a crock because the s754 chips go pass 3700 with a 1 meg l2 cache which is faster then many of the higher pr ratings of the 939. it's all hype and if you are a gamer and see a good deal on s754, go for it. it doesnt matter either if it's a cheap board because all the performance are very close regardless who makes the board. that video card you have will hold you 2 years (jesus, i hope) so don't think twice cathing a s754 board at a low price.

as for cpu, i f'ing hate the pr ratings. they all suck and are ripping people off. if you have taken my advice inthe past or listened to me, go for the latest technology not the fastest speed. what that means is even if you bought the lowest or slowest athlon 64 chip (2800), it will still have the technology of the higher speeds. you will not compare the perfomance of the 2800 amd64 chip to say a fx57 but the difference in performance will be about 20% performance and 800% savings.

my view on this is unless you shiit money, you buy a product that has the latest technology on the lower end models and upgrade gradually. you see if you spend 150 dollars on a amd64 3000 and someone buys an fx57 for 999.00 dollars you will be able to upgrade to faster chips with maybe newer technology such as stepping enhancements to the core (which is what i will discuss next) at a very low price. with that in mind, you would be able to upgrade 3-5 times more and still have saved money along with the ability to sell you older chips. catch my drift?:thumbs:

as far as newwer steppings, i am really liking the new sempron chip which is a sempron 3400. the newer chips now are 64 capable and has the newer core equiv to the venice core. it may have less cache but they still perform very well along with running and very (did i say very) low voltages. this latest stepping in the core now supports sse3 along with all of the other mm crap. this chip will do great for a gaming rig along with the ability to oc it with no issues like many unthusiasts are doing.

cpu speed does not matter that much today because even the xp chips can still run games good enough. keeping the system cool and quiet is a better feature today since software needs to catch up with the processing (unless it's a crappy coded app like battlefield2).

if you go for s754-get a via kt800 chipset or nforce 3-250. if 939, go for the kt800pro's. really it wont matter becaus ethe margin is so small out of all the chipsets but for all around the via chipset was better until the nf4 came out. actually, the way you decide what to get is who has more features.

09-01-2005, 05:39 AM
for memory, just get value ram 2x512 or a 1gig stick if it's s754 for 100 bucks. buying all that expensive crap to get 1-3 % performance makes no sense. usually this percentage is only when they over clock which is why the memory is rated higher and cost more

hd--i would suggest an 80 gig ata100-133 drive with 8mb cache. all you need for a gaming rig.

video card--don't art with what you have

case--don't be a freak who puts 100 fans in his case thinking it's going to be cooler the any other case. get a decent mid size tower with atleast a 400 watt power supply from a know name. make sur ethe ps has a fan on the bottom of the it so it helps exhaust any heat. most of the time a cheap ps will make your system hotter then anything else. if it's working harder4 then it can, it will get hot and also hurt your machine.

monitor--i am strictly an lcd guy now. can't get rid of this 19 " bitch on the other side of the desk but the 2 17" lcd displays in front of me are working and looking sweet. they are cheap today (lcd displays). i would not get anyth slower the 8ms if you intend to be able to compete in a fast game like sam. i would say 19" but they are more money and usually slower then 17". i figure this is an area where 2 inches really doesnt matter along with the higher resolutions. i can get 1280x1024 anyway and it works fine on these babies.

Free Styler
09-01-2005, 10:24 PM
thanks..for the tips.I will be searching for the 754 chipt set you mentionned and will go for a 64 system.Just waiting for the hot deals here and there.

09-01-2005, 10:51 PM
using old parts i built-amd 2800 xp64-processor- $175new tower-$50-epox minboard$119-512 mg 3700double side corsair ddr ram 400 fsb-$100 used my old 30 gig hd-maxtor 7500rpm-vid-old hercules 3d prophet 2 gts pro -64mg of sd-runs better because new machine uses ddr-all64 goes to vid.old a drive-new 16x dvd rom-this is sick fast-machine-i loaded win xp-in about 7 min.with format.-online -make sure you have new cat 6-handles 500 mg-cat 5 -350 mg-net cards and hub-router 10/100/1000.so for 450 cant beat it-my next card is n-vidia g force5 256 ddr 8x.agp-$80-try pricewatch.com-be careful not to get refurbished parts.or tigerdirect.com-any more ques.feel free to write me in here :thumbs: