View Full Version : *** Attention Gamemecca ***

Caged Anger
09-13-2005, 01:02 AM
I am in the process of a creative surge and am creating a flash fro gamemecca.

the thing I need from you guys, that is, the names i will post below, are face pictures. If i don't get a pic of the listed person, i will create your face for you and it will probably not come out that well so i suggest posting one.

Pure Evil
The Master
Sexy Jess
Outlaws Black Rose
Outlaws Whocares

and of course....BOBTHE COCKROACH! :D

09-13-2005, 01:19 AM
Sorry Caged, but I must downright refuse.

09-13-2005, 08:19 PM
Sorry Caged, but I must downright refuse. Its ok to be scared. But you must overcome it and post your pic f00

Caged Anger
09-13-2005, 08:58 PM
This is optional...if you choose not to give me an image, then I will make those people however is easiest for me.

09-13-2005, 09:23 PM
My mug is already posted here somewhere. Look in one of Pathos's threads, I think there is a pic of me there. Or if you go to the Gods site I have a pic of me holding a fish in my profile, you can just crop out my face or whatever. WTF is this for again?

09-13-2005, 11:03 PM
Soul, I see no reason to stand here and be insulted into doing something I'd rather not.

Asian Invasian
09-13-2005, 11:20 PM
omg where am i?

09-13-2005, 11:50 PM
If you want my pic you will have to dig very deep into the 7th gate of this place.

Caged Anger
09-14-2005, 12:26 AM
only the gamemecca regulars could make this a completely worthless post. NM if its too hard to post a simple pic, I'll make one for you so there :-P

09-14-2005, 03:59 AM
I have a bad feeling about this.

Plainly speaking I don't think it will come out very well. Maybe you should post a test flash clip showing us your abilities with the program and maybe afterwards more people will be willing to submit something.

And since I have only seen your work in Photoshop, which is decent but a couple steps behind the more advanced PS users in terms of setting up a solid composition and color 'balance'.

Yes I'm sure you are doing this for the sake of making us laugh, but remember that you are still technically producing a form of digital media which needs to be appealing to the eye. I am all for originality, but one must have some skill or even talent to make something of this nature, not to mention a large amount of time and resources.

09-14-2005, 04:35 AM
haha its kinda creepy to make a thread asking for mug shots without reasons...

09-14-2005, 05:07 AM
I have a bad feeling about this.

Plainly speaking I don't think it will come out very well. Maybe you should post a test flash clip showing us your abilities with the program and maybe afterwards more people will be willing to submit something.

And since I have only seen your work in Photoshop, which is decent but a couple steps behind the more advanced PS users in terms of setting up a solid composition and color 'balance'.

Yes I'm sure you are doing this for the sake of making us laugh, but remember that you are still technically producing a form of digital media which needs to be appealing to the eye. I am all for originality, but one must have some skill or even talent to make something of this nature, not to mention a large amount of time and resources.

"Fun." Such a foreign concept. Haven't you ever done something for fun? If he wants to make something, and risk having his abilities critiqued, so be it. If you don't want your particular picture in it b/c you don't want to be associated, say so. Get off his back about what he chooses to do with his free time. Frankly, his form of digital media doesn't need to be appealing to anyone's eye but him. I find Mona Lisa to be a horribly grotesque woman, myself, but it's the single most famous painting ever. So screw appealing to you, I say. It's not like he's trying to market or sell this. Sheesh.

Suggestion for caged: have exe get offed in your movie. :D

09-14-2005, 05:09 AM
I am in the process of a creative surge and am creating a flash for gamemecca.

Caged explained in his first post what he wanted them for.

09-14-2005, 05:13 AM
In any case, I can't stand pictures of myself. I don't mind sharing my picture with you guys, I just hate seeing my picture, so if I give you my real picture, I'd have to refrain from ever watching your movie, which I wouldn't want to do. Since only 2-3 GM peeps even know what I look like anyways, I figure the following images would work better for associating with me anyways (after you photoshop out the extra stuff): hmmm...that'll make for a good avatar...

09-14-2005, 03:53 PM
why is it someone feels they should shoot someone down for something they want to do? i say go for it cage and good luck. my mug is here also but maybe i should update it with a more recent one. what ever it is you are trying to do is always better when you are doing it for the community.

09-14-2005, 03:55 PM
In any case, I can't stand pictures of myself. I don't mind sharing my picture with you guys, I just hate seeing my picture, so if I give you my real picture, I'd have to refrain from ever watching your movie, which I wouldn't want to do. Since only 2-3 GM peeps even know what I look like anyways, I figure the following images would work better for associating with me anyways (after you photoshop out the extra stuff): hmmm...that'll make for a good avatar...

bob, i still laugh at the first words out of my mouth when we were video conferencing:) . anyway, don't be so hard on yourself.

09-14-2005, 07:55 PM
"Fun." Such a foreign concept. Haven't you ever done something for fun? If he wants to make something, and risk having his abilities critiqued, so be it. If you don't want your particular picture in it b/c you don't want to be associated, say so. Get off his back about what he chooses to do with his free time. Frankly, his form of digital media doesn't need to be appealing to anyone's eye but him. I find Mona Lisa to be a horribly grotesque woman, myself, but it's the single most famous painting ever. So screw appealing to you, I say. It's not like he's trying to market or sell this. Sheesh.

Suggestion for caged: have exe get offed in your movie. :D
Have you ever heard of soemthing called a "bad idea"? I think this is one.

09-14-2005, 08:26 PM
Have you ever heard of soemthing called a "bad idea"? I think this is one.

Life is full of bad mistakes and dumb ideas. "Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement." I just get confused when people are so hardset against something that doesn't require anything on their part. All he's asking is for a picture - if you don't want to provide it, kewl, I understand (I didn't either afterall). I just don't understand why you so vehemently want to stop someone else from having fun, when it's not hurting you in the least?

09-14-2005, 08:30 PM
bob, i still laugh at the first words out of my mouth when we were video conferencing:) . anyway, don't be so hard on yourself.

He he he Funny times! I'm not being hard on myself. It's not that I don't like me, blah blah blah (Gosh, I sound like a whiney girl!), I'm just never happy with how the picture shows up. I always seem to find something I don't like about it.

09-14-2005, 08:49 PM
Life is full of bad mistakes and dumb ideas. "Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement." I just get confused when people are so hardset against something that doesn't require anything on their part. All he's asking is for a picture - if you don't want to provide it, kewl, I understand (I didn't either afterall). I just don't understand why you so vehemently want to stop someone else from having fun, when it's not hurting you in the least?
I fully support anyone who makes flash movies, has good 3-D modelling skills, and who has good Photoshop skills. Who I don't support is wannabe's who try to make a quick movie just because other people do it. I used to be that way when I was making my first ssam movies, not really knowing that game movies far better than mine existed. After I saw several very good movies I decied to do some research and eventually worked my way up to making a pretty decent attempt at an original ssam movie. It didn't go over too well with the people on site X, which was filled with skilled movie makers, but it was my first attempt at making something new and different.

What I'm trying to say is that one looking to make a decent peice of media needs to carve out his own path. Starting with something easy like making a ssam frag movie, then work their way up to something more complicated like a flash animation. I know that doesn't really make sense and doesn't seem to apply to what Caged is trying to do but believe me I have experience in this department probably more than most people on this site.

09-14-2005, 09:56 PM
If it start raining Exe I hope you get inside or you are going to drown from having the nose so high in the air.

09-14-2005, 09:58 PM
I fully support anyone who makes flash movies, has good 3-D modelling skills, and who has good Photoshop skills.

So, you only support people that are natural born experts in these arts? Everyone who ever made these things started out small, making little crap that nobody would really appreciate. So, naturally, they must have then kept them completely to themselves. And then got better based soley on their own thoughts about their art?

Look, in a heartbeat I will admit that you are far more knowledgeable than me in the artistic field. I don't claim an ounce of art. I'm still happy when I get Photoshop to make the background blue. However, learning anything is a process. How is caged gonna know what he needs to work on, what skills to improve, etc if he never shows anyone what he's made. He never claimed this would be a professional work. He simply claimed that he was feeling inspired and that he would like to contribute something back to us?

Tell ya what - do you have any little siblings/cousins/children? If you do, and you're close to them, then you've no doubt been given something that they made. A picture, or whatever. And even though it's no good, you're proud to receive it b/c it was made for you, regardless of quality or lack thereof. And you encourage them, guiding them along, teaching them to make circles, squares, letters, etc until they are capable of fuctioning on their own.

Well Caged is one of us! He's one of GM's 1700+ little babies, and he's learning. Now he might not be as old as you, so he doesn't do some things as well as you yet, but he'll get there. If your little kid brings you a painting, filled w/ love and admiration, you don't beat the kid b/c he colored the tree's leaves purple - you raise him up, encourage him, help him grow.

Well, same with Caged! He's doing something for GM, whether all of GM wants it or not. And I say bring it on Caged!

My point: Practice makes perfect. You said yourself that you started off w/ videos that you realized weren't the quality of others. But without the input of other people, caged will never know what to work on. But his GM family can help him out - He'd probably love to hear your input on it once it's done!

And now you all know how odd and longwinded I can be (like you didn't know already)

09-14-2005, 10:36 PM
I fully support anyone who makes flash movies, has good 3-D modelling skills, and who has good Photoshop skills. Who I don't support is wannabe's who try to make a quick movie just because other people do it. I used to be that way when I was making my first ssam movies, not really knowing that game movies far better than mine existed. After I saw several very good movies I decied to do some research and eventually worked my way up to making a pretty decent attempt at an original ssam movie. It didn't go over too well with the people on site X, which was filled with skilled movie makers, but it was my first attempt at making something new and different.

What I'm trying to say is that one looking to make a decent peice of media needs to carve out his own path. Starting with something easy like making a ssam frag movie, then work their way up to something more complicated like a flash animation. I know that doesn't really make sense and doesn't seem to apply to what Caged is trying to do but believe me I have experience in this department probably more than most people on this site.since when did you become a expert?
:dunno: almost everytime somebody makes a movie here, you rag on them, be careful, or peeps will be honest about your work too :rolleyes:

09-14-2005, 10:52 PM
Geez you guys and the damn drama. Would you shut up already. Let him do whatever the hell he wants.

09-14-2005, 11:05 PM
Go for it Mr Caged...

The only way to become an expert at something is to learn by your own mistakes.

So you do what you gotta do buddy,

09-14-2005, 11:05 PM
someone needs a good case of stfu

09-14-2005, 11:16 PM
Don't take what I posted the wrong way. Honestly I hate Cameras and don't have any current pictures of myself otherwise I would have posted one for ya.

To add to this I guess you could describe me as a tall skinny Mr. Clean with alot of Tattoos.

Mad Fox
09-14-2005, 11:48 PM
I am a little dissappointed there wasn't a request for my potrait..... I guess I havent reached the point of a "regular"

09-15-2005, 12:11 AM
Well to be nice you asked for a pic and well as I said I hate cameras so here is one from my cellphone. Notice the shine on the noodle :)
I hope that it's good enough for what you want to do.

09-15-2005, 12:13 AM
hey whocares. you got a nice shiner there m8...... (j/k) lol

Caged Anger
09-15-2005, 12:17 AM

This wasn't meant to be a bashing thread in any way and as far as I'm concerned, no personal pics are gonna be used. Too dang difficult to work with

This movie will most likely be a "wannabe" flash film, but how else would I get started? I'll give it a go, i got some good ideas down on paper and plan on putting it together when I get free time. The plan now is to use different sam and UT skins as characters.

(Please see second post for details)

And as for Exe......I think the best scene will be last in my movie as I've got great inspiration coming to me ;)

09-15-2005, 12:17 AM
hey whocares. you got a nice shiner there m8...... (j/k) lol
Cursed by Mother Nature. I thought I would save money on not having to buy hair products but nooo Now I have to buy Razors.

09-15-2005, 12:31 AM
cage, if there is anything i can help you with or info you need just let me know. one of the companies i consult for deals with video editing and multi media apps.

exe, just a quick note;
you need to slow down your critical statements because to be honest, i've seen many videos you guys created and not once have i commented on them. i have no problem offering suggestions to anyone young looking to pick something up. no matter what i thought about the production, i would never look to make someone feel they did not know what they were doing or try to prevent someone from doing better. i am sure by now you know how i feel about you but regardless, when you said you were leaving gm to move to video editing i offered some tips or suggestions on software. as much of an evil person i may appear, i still rather would see the younger generation doing something positive for themself.

as for whocares--you know you're sexy:) .

09-15-2005, 01:07 AM
First off LOL at Whocare's Pic.

Sorry if I sounded too "demanding", too many people here take things the wrong way or just bash the hell out of someone trying to offer advice and some criticism. I never stated that I was better than anyone, I was simply trying to say that I have enough experience in making "movies" to biuld a solid base upon and offer suggestions.

I WANT to help Caged make his movie the best that it can be. But in terms of the software he plans to use I would probably pick something different. I suggests using Quake 3 or UT2k4 and making some original skins to represent someone and then possibly having people control them or scrip bots (which is tricky but manageable) and create scenes from that. This is called machimina ad is much easier to complete than flash animation (IMO). There are more possibilities and you can focus more on the story as opposed to drawing the characters out.

09-15-2005, 01:41 AM
:rolleyes: Good Ol' Gamemecca

09-15-2005, 02:24 AM
:rolleyes: Good Ol' Gamemecca

Just curious and you are not going to be attacked, but Soul what do you mean by that?

Caged Anger
09-15-2005, 02:46 AM
:rolleyes: Good Ol' Gamemecca


09-15-2005, 03:28 AM
Well you little turd :rolleyes:

solid snake295
09-15-2005, 03:44 AM
man, if you can make somthing even move in flash, you're my hero. that s**t is not easy man, hahaha :thumbs:

09-15-2005, 04:57 AM
man, if you can make somthing even move in flash, you're my hero. that s**t is not easy man, hahaha :thumbs:

:D --it really is pretty hard isn't it?

Black Rose
09-15-2005, 06:50 AM
it really is pretty hard isn't it?

yours? :P :D

@ Sho: /agree :)

btw my pics are all over GM and at GoDs forum is still an older pic in my profile.
Happy Rosie-pic-hunting :P

09-15-2005, 11:07 AM

Best GM thread ever, pics included! (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=66729) :cool:

can you feel the Luv? :wave:

09-15-2005, 02:26 PM
That thread is awesomely funny, thanks Pure :D

09-15-2005, 08:54 PM
man, if you can make somthing even move in flash, you're my hero. that s**t is not easy man, hahaha :thumbs:
Exactly what I was trying to say. Start out with something easier Caged.

09-15-2005, 10:01 PM
Just curious and you are not going to be attacked, but Soul what do you mean by that? Don't we all know what I mean, deep down inside?