View Full Version : 8v8 - any LFG? :-)

09-13-2005, 11:12 PM
Looking to Build 8v8 Group

As the title says, I would like to put together a 8v8 group that would ideally run 4-5 days a week that would start around 8-10est and last for a good 2-3 hours a night. At the moment, the making of the group would hopefully consist of:
- mercenary
- paladin - Podgy
- minstrel - (Mogetti) (Solinnir)
- reaver - (Solinnir)
- sorcerer
- cleric - (Mogetti)
- cleric
- theurgist - (Mogetti)
I would be able to play a minstrel, cleric, or theurgist. Two other group members include Podgy (paladin) and Solinnir who can play a minstrel/reaver. It would be nice if we could get someone to fill each of the listed classes but there are obviously other viable group setups. Obviously if you are interested in playing a character that is decked out, that would help, but it is certainly not a requirement since we want everyone to enjoy their character. If you want a new toon, we would certainly be willing to help do the necessary PvE to make the toons ready for RvR (we have a ML9 matter caby, servant necros, bots, and a variety of crafters) but it will take some time. We plan on using Team Speak because it significantly makes in battle communication easier. You also don’t have to be in a particular guild to join. We hope to have lots of fun with the group whether it be killing Hibs/Mids or getting zerged. It is certainly going to take time for everyone to get used to their toons and just the general setup/fighting of 8v8. We will be facing many groups that have been together on a daily basis for several years. Yes we will die a lot I’m sure, we will also kill a lot. I have several decent RR toons and so does Podgy and Solinnir. We are not noobs but at the same time we are not leets. It will take time for us to a hardened 8v8 group but I’m willing to put forth the effort. Lastly, I am really looking forward to running in this new group and meeting a bunch of new people at the same time.

P.S.- Podgy wrote this and PM'd it to me :P I just posted it :)

09-14-2005, 05:08 AM
Count me in for late night if ya are still running. I have my sorcy I will bring :)

09-14-2005, 01:15 PM
imo drop minstrel and pick up a cabalist for debuff, nearsight, and assist nuking. As well as pet for interupts.

09-14-2005, 03:34 PM
I'm sure that would work fine as well, we just need a few more people to consistantly play with. ;)

09-15-2005, 02:15 AM
Wish I could commit to a full time deal, but atm I'll only be able to fill in when ya might need me because of a double load at school this semester.

I'll keep an eye out for ya and GL :)

09-15-2005, 02:43 AM
same here, I could fill in at sorc sometimes, but I have to hectic a schedule at the moment to commit everynight :(

09-15-2005, 04:10 PM
Same scenerio for me as pack and ozzy, can't commit everynight but would gladly take a fill in roll. I could play any toon listed in the sig. The wiz is the only one decked out atm but hope to have the theurg soon at least with arti's. ML's may be a bit.

09-15-2005, 07:43 PM
New Job and all I cant commit to a set schedule yet but I have a Minstrel and would love to play any other roll as well. I'm used to being on the assist train so maybe if I leveled a Merc or Reaver I'd be a good asset to the group. Obviously I'd prefer to be the Reaver though but I'm willing to do what it takes to get in a regular group with a bunch of people.