View Full Version : Nintendo Revolution controler revealed

Dangerous Dan
09-16-2005, 03:21 AM
Well, the cat is out of the bag, but before you comment or bring yourself to judgement, read these two articles (or one of them) first:




I for one thinks it has the potential to take console gaming in a new direction, facilitating the current FPS controls... and like they say in one of those articles, imagine playing a boxing game with two the main controler and add-on in each hand, basically boxing you oponent in the truest sense, or swinging your sword in zelda and going in for a block - i dunno if it can be done, but if so, it'd add a whole new layer of interactivity to the idea of videogaming...

09-16-2005, 04:19 AM
Pic for the lazy:

09-16-2005, 04:54 AM
I think the concept is cool much like the concept and application of the DS' dual screens. I believe i would have to play it to see what its like. I am a bit skeptical about how holding 2 separate things up at once is gonna be like.

Dangerous Dan
09-16-2005, 05:06 AM
Pic for the lazy:
eh, mind editing it? the point of not putting the pic up there was so that ppl woudl be forced to read the links first, rather than just looking at the pic and coming to an uninformed conclusion...

Dangerous Dan
09-16-2005, 05:09 AM
I think the concept is cool much like the concept and application of the DS' dual screens. I believe i would have to play it to see what its like. I am a bit skeptical about how holding 2 separate things up at once is gonna be like.
i agree with this mostly. but one thing about the two seperate things that has caught my eye is the potential for updating the attachments. i mean if a new concept doesn't fit conventional controling mechanics, must make another controler attachment, lol.

I'l also curious about how functional the design will be: will i have to hold the controler perfectly to be used, or will i be able to play it in a relaxed position?

I'm hoping that software previews in the coming month will answer these questions, and more...

09-16-2005, 02:50 PM
I don't think I need to take the pic off. People can click the links for more info.

After reading the info and looking at the pics, I have to say, at least knowing what I know now about it, that this makes the decision to not buy a Revolution that much easier. Here are the problems I see, maybe the big N can answer these in time and change my mind:

- I find it very annoying that now people have to buy controller add-ons to play games. You want an analog stick, buy the add-on.

- I don't want to fight gravity when playing games. How are you expected to hold this thing up for a few hours at a time?

- Nintendo is already know for its small game library and time in between game releases. How are third parties gonna port their games for PS3 and xBox 360 to Revolution? Does this mean even less games than N64 and GC during their life spans?

- When I play games, I want to sit back, relax, and have a controller resting in my lap. I don't find it very fun to look like an ass while playing a game by swinging the controller around or moving it in the air.

- Why is the cord between the components so short?

- Why are there so few buttons? Are we back to the days of A and B?

- How is going to want to play an FPS for an hour having to aim your controller at the screen the whole time like a light gun?

I dunno, this thing screams Power Glove meets Virtual Boy to me. Maybe when we see the software it will all be clearer, but to me it seems like N just changed to be different and to eliminate piracy.

09-16-2005, 03:58 PM
one word mulitplayer lightsabers

Dangerous Dan
09-16-2005, 06:43 PM
I don't think I need to take the pic off. People can click the links for more info.

After reading the info and looking at the pics, I have to say, at least knowing what I know now about it, that this makes the decision to not buy a Revolution that much easier. Here are the problems I see, maybe the big N can answer these in time and change my mind:

- I find it very annoying that now people have to buy controller add-ons to play games. You want an analog stick, buy the add-on.

the add-on in the video has been confirmed to come packaged with the console

- I don't want to fight gravity when playing games. How are you expected to hold this thing up for a few hours at a time?

1up.com had the concern, but aparently you can easily lets them rest on your lap and do many motions associated with FPS games - holding it infront of you like you're pointing your finger is not a necessity.

- Nintendo is already know for its small game library and time in between game releases. How are third parties gonna port their games for PS3 and xBox 360 to Revolution? Does this mean even less games than N64 and GC during their life spans?

This concerns me as well. Nintendo may make functionality, but if conmapies have no idea how to program for it, we'll just get a bunch of sparce ports with akward controles.

- When I play games, I want to sit back, relax, and have a controller resting in my lap. I don't find it very fun to look like an ass while playing a game by swinging the controller around or moving it in the air.

Not every game will require this - it all depends on the level of interactivity... imagine Madden implementing this, having to throw the ball, or Tiger Woods PGA, having to swing the club... the result coudl be incredibly imersive, or incredibly akward.

- Why is the cord between the components so short?

good question

- Why are there so few buttons? Are we back to the days of A and B?

half of the buttons are usless with the motions sensing, in "theory"

- How is going to want to play an FPS for an hour having to aim your controller at the screen the whole time like a light gun?

like i said, you don't need to "aim" it in the middle of the air.

I dunno, this thing screams Power Glove meets Virtual Boy to me. Maybe when we see the software it will all be clearer, but to me it seems like N just changed to be different and to eliminate piracy.

It's different, but there's one thing it isn't: A gimmick. they don't lie when they say it will change the way you play (revolution) games"

09-16-2005, 07:00 PM
This is intersting. I was actually expecting a controller with a touch screen biult in much like the DS. This looks interesting though and definitely worth a try. I am uncertain if it will "Revolutionize" the gaming industry and will inspire look-alikes for the Xbox360 and PS3. One thing that it certain is that Nintendo can and almost always has the broadest margin of gamers on its side.

09-16-2005, 08:12 PM
Thanks for the answers DD. It all comes down to the software in the end. Its definitely going to be an uphill battle trying to buck the trend of the last 20 years regarding controllers, but either way, it should be fun to watch.

Dangerous Dan
09-16-2005, 09:39 PM
Thanks for the answers DD. It all comes down to the software in the end. Its definitely going to be an uphill battle trying to buck the trend of the last 20 years regarding controllers, but either way, it should be fun to watch.
very much agreed

on the topic of games though, IGN has made an article about how existing genres may be adapted around the new control scheme, a very interesting and worthwhile read:


09-18-2005, 06:00 AM
Here's what's turning me off about this, currently. When the added-on component isn't in use, it seems like that controller "remote control" would be kind of crappy.

It seems like w/ a controller like that, it's going to push the majority of the games to rely on an add-on in order to really make the game worth it, as that remote control looks to lack the ability to be a solid controller for a modern game. It makes me wonder if there's going to be a billion different add-ons to buy in order to make the console worthwhile, forcing the cost of each game up, as they all have their own individual add-on for the game.

I'm all for the concept of having gyro controllers, and whatnot, but I think it'd be much better to make a standard controller, and be able to plug the add on into that, or just make a different component all together that plugs in, a la Donkey Konga.

If there was any chance that I would be the Rev. on opening day, it just went out the window. This kind of idea is way too iffy for me to just give Nintendo my money. I'll definitely be waiting until I can put hours into a console @ best buy.

09-18-2005, 07:03 AM
That controller is a natural fit for any 3 handed person.

Dangerous Dan
09-19-2005, 05:21 AM
If there was any chance that I would be the Rev. on opening day, it just went out the window. This kind of idea is way too iffy for me to just give Nintendo my money. I'll definitely be waiting until I can put hours into a console @ best buy. this is a greneral truth about trying somethign new in the market. you can't expect ppl to go out and buy technology without having used it before. the PS3 and xbox360's classic interface won't cause anyone to think twice about a purchase. But in Nintendo's case, they're really going to need to sell the Revolution to people (like yourself) through convincing application via software. I mean, if you end up playing at bestbuy for 2 hours, and come away thinking it was one of the best experiences of your life, NIntendo has nothign to worry about, but if you come away thinking it was one of the lower points in your day, then they're going to find themselves in a very akward position.

and the peripheral thing isn't 100% true, the analog attachment it like 99% confirmed to come packaged with the core Revolution console, which should allow for a hastle free launch purchase...

09-19-2005, 08:25 PM
Its the games that make the platform not the hardware.

09-19-2005, 09:05 PM
Its the games that make the platform not the hardware. Yup *cough* PSP *cough*