View Full Version : PC Technical Question

09-16-2005, 01:14 PM
Good Morning All,

I have noticed over the past few days as I have played Tiger that my computer's power supply gets very hot while I play Tiger. Is the Power Supply getting hot a problem? At what point does it become "to hot"? I appreciate any suggestions on how to correct this if the heat is a problem.
Thank you Matt

09-16-2005, 02:36 PM
I'm not sure how hot is too hot. I guess when it stops working and you smell that burnt electronic smell, it's too hot. :)

I can advise something to do to help though, Take you system outside and blow it out with either canned compressed air or if you have a air compressor with an inline moisture trap. I use the latter option with no moisture trap but i'm very careful to make sure there is none. Use a small paint brush to help loosen the dust. Blow inside the PSU (power supply) as best you can, trust me you would be amazed at the crap that can accumulate inside there.

I also use a 420watt PSU. IMO the bigger the PSU is the easier it is for it to handle work loads whereas a smaller PSU might struggle to keep up.

We have a hardware & software problems section below this forum section were you might get a better response if these types of problems were posted there.

09-16-2005, 03:53 PM
I'm not sure how hot is too hot.

I'm gonna resist commenting... ;)

Anyways, definitely blow out the case, like SHO said, but I'd go one step further. Take the PSU out of the case and take the lid off of it, and thoroughly blow that out - don't just blow inside of it.

One note: when you do this, after the top is off, DON'T touch the stuff inside. There's some capacitors and such there that hold a TON of power, and you could seriously hurt yourself, potentially. Make sure you ground yourself, and then just blow it out - don't touch. I always pull the lid when I clean my PSU, and I'm very sure I get way more out than I woudl if I just blew into it.