View Full Version : Bad News People--sam With Your Turkey

09-19-2005, 08:52 AM
This could be a bad sign for the final release of sam2. thanks to my brother some of you may know "ACHILLES", I will make a list of the bugs so far as I see Playing.

stuttering when multiple people are shooting the weapons at the monsters
Lag (can you believe that?:) )
audio choppy at times and sam himself stutters with is oh so funny comments
memory leakage "i think"
game becomes boring after 30 minutes when going through maps
the sounds sound gay

I will bet the final release will be delayed. Any takers?

09-22-2005, 07:13 PM
i got bored after 10 minz...

09-22-2005, 07:20 PM

Dangerous Dan
09-23-2005, 01:19 AM
i bet Croteam is reading these comments and wondering where they went wrong...

09-23-2005, 01:32 AM
i bet Croteam is reading these comments and wondering where they went wrong...

I sure hope so.... :confused:

09-23-2005, 03:13 AM
My vote? Signing with Take 2 was the beginning of the end.

09-23-2005, 12:21 PM
If u look objective 2 sam II then it's quite good. The graphics and all r not state of art but the hole thing by sam is that it aren't the graphics but the amount of enemies on screen matters(yeppa, choices have 2 be made :D ) . Of course u can question the cartoonstyle (wich in my eyes isn't totally there) and the fountain of blood wich appears when u shoot one down or the dull sound sometimes. But the overdrive action is still there. I saw a preview wich says that there will be multiple levels wich will send over 1100 enemies straight at u (comparing to the grand cathedral wich has around the 1200 enemies hiding)

The prob here is I think the total hype wich was created around it. SSSE has never been a state of art game but waz fun 2 play. Of course it's fair 2 ask for improvements/changes etc. but u just can't have it all.

More and more I read about the whole ssse thing, how much better it is than SSII(don't get me wrong here I love ssse 2 :D ). So if u ask me, it looks like people never wanted SSII but wanted the SSTE (same game more levels, that's just what it is).

Of course there r some thing wich definatly need some attention (more fast gameplay for example) and some menufixing.

I wern't overwhelmed by the demo, but to say it waz total crap: NO for sure. I think we just have 2 get used to the new style :P

Final Conclusion:rofl:
Hypes kills a game.

oki I miss the knive allso :(

Die Hard
09-23-2005, 12:29 PM
Some good points there Wiper. Your English is improving all the time :thumbs:

09-23-2005, 12:31 PM
Some good points there Wiper. Your English is improving all the time :thumbs:

THNX :D (working on it :P)

09-24-2005, 02:59 AM
i bet Croteam is reading these comments and wondering where they went wrong...
I bet they they read these comments and were wondering how I was able to get it before they released it:cool: . Maybe they wonder if I have the full edition:cool: . I wanted to ruin Rodzilla's BS for this upcoming Sam Edition.

I swear I was going to make a video of it but they decided to release the demo 2 days after I created this thread. I was unsure if I could get into trouble also but I still conisdered capturing the crap and posting the game play anyway. Since I have been very busy at work and prepping for Lash & Goober coming to NY, I did not get the chance.

As for Wiper, I liked what you posted and will agree with what you said regarding that what we really want is more levels better netcode and death match. I would of been willing to pay for it also as long as it worked. I have said it before and will say it again. Croteam as a company is equivelent to a buch of high school kids working out of their parents garage.

Move on, there are better games on the market today and Sam2 is not needed. But if you enjoy it, then buy it:thumbs: .

09-24-2005, 03:20 AM
First off I'll say I haven't played the Demo. It won't work with my current video card.

From the screenies and gameplay that I looked at and watched I wasn't impressed at all. I do not like the way it looks (kind of like the X-box version of Sam's Second Encounter). Looks like Sam meets Pokeman. I realize that it is not a serious game but it is not a cartoon either.

I will not be buying this game now, or if and when a deathmatch comes out.

If they would have come out with some new levels and story line like the third and fourth encounter with the same physics and improved netcode.
I would have gone out and bought a better video card and paid $50 for their game.

I still play the SSSE almost daily and still enjoy playing it. Hopefully servers will stay up and I can continue playing it.

Dangerous Dan
09-24-2005, 07:29 AM
Move on, there are better games on the market today and Sam2 is not needed. But if you enjoy it, then buy it:thumbs: .
that's how I'm looking at it as well, my life isn't going to revolve around Serious Sam II, but I might just pick it up becuase I actually enjoyed the single player demo - despite the bugs, and fact that half of the enemies sounds didn't work on my comp - I could still see it being a decent $39.99 (CND) purchase, any more and I wouldn't be willing to fork it out.

The future of my online gaming career lays with Nintendo as of now, first with the DS' upcoming online games, and then with the Revolution next fall... it also makes my life easier, as there's no reason for me to upgrade my rig now :D