View Full Version : Why I've been gone

Mr Clean
02-07-2003, 09:44 PM
Here it is:

We got our butts chewed out at work last month about projects getting done late and over budget (especially the over budget part). I've been trying to work harder, although frankly I'm not part of the problem, including working through lunch. So I haven't been able to get on at work because I'm trying to work better/smarter/faster. Part of that is not having anyone walk past my office and see me posting on the internet.

Meanwhile, the computer at home is in the "Four Seasons" room, which is an attached room full of windows. It has heat, but the rocket scientist who built the addition (who previously owned the house before I bought it) put an electric fan in the duct work to help force the hot air (or cool air in the summer) into that room to help heat it. Great, except last month I smell the wonderful scent of an electric motor burning out. After I figured out it wasn't the computer I figured the fan was going out. I turned it off to avoid burning down the house, but now it acts like a plug in the duct and very little heat gets through to the room. Meanwhile, St Louis has one of it's coldest Januarys on records. We had a couple of spells where we didn't top 10 F and barely ever got above freezing. Needless to say it's no fun being in a room where you can see your breath.

So it was too cold at home and too risky at work. It may be a lame excuse but it's the only one I've got.


02-07-2003, 09:53 PM
It's great to see ya back podner! :thumbs:

02-07-2003, 10:30 PM
Yes welcome back :wave:

02-07-2003, 11:10 PM
Welcome Back :wave:

02-07-2003, 11:14 PM
Welcome back :wave:

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
02-08-2003, 03:47 AM
Welcome back! :wave:

OUTLAWS The Machine
02-08-2003, 03:52 AM
Nice to see you man!

02-08-2003, 04:02 AM
Welcome back Mr. Clean, we missed you. :wave:

02-08-2003, 04:11 AM
Welcome back.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
02-08-2003, 05:25 AM
You were missed. Welcome back. :wave:

02-08-2003, 07:02 AM
Glad you are back Mr Clean. Sorry to hear about the work stuff. I just had a bad night, and well it isn't going to be a pleasant week next week. In a nut shell, we are stamping place, we make automobile parts for the big 3 and some others as well. We just got our newest press running, which is a 2000 ton press. The die that we have for it, the first half of the statios are sheet fed, meaning they are still attached. Then last have of the die, we have a transfer system that has fingers made by tool and die that go in pick up the part, and transfer it to the next station and get out of the way before the press comes back down. This 2000 ton press is dam fast, we had it running at 20 strokes or parts per minute, which when you think about the size of the part and the tonnage needed to create and bend steel over 1/8th inch think, it is fast.

Well something happened, I wasn't there and the transfer stopped, but didn't send a signal to the press control to stop, with the fingers in the die transfering, down came the press, CRUNCH!! There are sensors on the fingers to make sure there is a part there, and what I think happened or the reason the press didn't cycle all the way through, was because one of the sesors senced that a part was no longer there and it stopped. Man did it fvch shlt up though. Good thing I am not a tool and die person.

On top of that, out general manager announced that we are in a slump for business. We just got a $30 million dollar job in, but doesn't start till 2004. In June this year, a lot of jobs will be finished, and only have to run service parts, one shift, maybe 1-2 days a week or month. So money is tight, they are cutting all overtime (which I could care less about, more weekends for me :wootrock: )

So I hear what you talking about in a sence Mr Clean. O, your puter problems, that would suck. Maybe if you had an older proc that ran really hot, it might keep ya warm. Hope things get better for ya. Hammer working a lot too?? I haven't seen him on in ages either. Tell him hello for us :thumbs:

02-08-2003, 11:27 AM
Welcome back Cleany! :w00t: :jammin:

Mr Clean
02-10-2003, 07:30 PM
Hammer working a lot too?? I haven't seen him on in ages either. Tell him hello for us

Hammer is working a bunch, especially since our admin gal got fired and he gets to help fill that void. But mostly he bought a Play Station II a couple of months ago and he has had his eyes glued to the TV every waking moment. He plays before work, after work, etc etc etc....He really loves that thing.

And thanks everyone!