View Full Version : XFire Question

09-21-2005, 04:34 AM
I have an old laptop, and it only has a 4 gig hdd, so when I noticed 350 meg free, I got curious. I started looking and noticed that the /xfire/downloads folder was over 800 meg! Does anyone know what the heck this is about? I was thinking it was pre-downloading Sam2, but that's only supposed to be 250 meg, or so - what is this 800 meg about?! I've only had Xfire installed on this box for about a day, and the install is only like a 2 meg file, so there's been some serious behind the scenes downloading going on!

09-21-2005, 10:50 AM
you have to be careful, the sign-up for sam also signs you up to stream other demos too. Basically, you're downloading a bunch of new demos I believe. You actually need to read the whole page :D

Caged Anger
09-21-2005, 10:52 AM

09-21-2005, 11:56 AM
you have to be careful, the sign-up for sam also signs you up to stream other demos too. Basically, you're downloading a bunch of new demos I believe. You actually need to read the whole page :D

Bite my what? :P Yeah, I figured that out this morning. I guess I turned XFire off after they had downloaded a lot, but before they had downloaded the entire file, since it's not a .zip or .exe.

09-21-2005, 01:38 PM
The Sam demo should be available through all normal sites, not just xFire. So if you just want it for the Sam demo, there's no need to go through xFire.

09-21-2005, 02:14 PM
No no, I already had XFire, I just didn't know where the big files came from. Also, it'll auto-downloading. It should be done when I get home, not starting :thumbs: