View Full Version : GoogleTalk

09-23-2005, 03:58 AM
Anyone else heard of this? It's still in Beta, and I'm not sure how long it's been out, but from what I've checked out, it seems nice. It's your standard IM product, but it's pretty stripped down - no stupid pop-ups on log in, etc. Honestly, the thing seems to be pretty light, overall. I've been dying for the day that an IM that I like would come along and I can ditch AIM forever, and perhaps if GoogleTalk can get a nice start going, I can finally do just that.

Additionally, there's a Audio Chat feature. Both AIM and MSN offer this, but I can never get either to work, as they require router HW that I dont' have (UPnP I believe) but this works fine.

They're claiming it'll stay cost-free, ad-free, and offer more features in the final release.

Also, if you're a gmail user, this will automatically import your contact list and list them as buddies, etc.

Again, I'm impressed, so far, despite a lack of users at this point.

you can get it at www.google.com/talk

Shout out your SN if you get it, i'll give you a holler! (bobtheckroach@gmail.com)

Die Hard
09-23-2005, 08:06 AM
I'll take a look, thanks Bob :thumbs:

Caged Anger
09-23-2005, 10:50 AM
I would consider it, but I don't like google having too muhc info on me, lol

That's why I don't have a gmail account, I don't want them to keep a record of what i look up and I think if I make an account with them, they will. I use yahoo as mail but not search if you were wondering.

And yes, i'm paranoid

09-23-2005, 02:34 PM
I would consider it, but I don't like google having too muhc info on me, lol

That's why I don't have a gmail account, I don't want them to keep a record of what i look up and I think if I make an account with them, they will. I use yahoo as mail but not search if you were wondering.

And yes, i'm paranoid

Yep, that's the word I'd use. I guess I'm confused what you're worried about. Why do you care if they have a history of what you've searched for? I would imagine that kind of stuff can be used to optimize the engine. So the question is, what has Caged been looking up that he doesn't want anyone else to know about? Weapons? Drugs? Women?....men? :eek:

Die Hard
09-23-2005, 02:47 PM

09-23-2005, 02:55 PM

:rofl: :D

Caged Anger
09-23-2005, 08:32 PM
lol, BOB!!!!

I just don't like the idea of somebody keepin track of my stats without telling me and getting my approval (I still like a certain amount of privacy while surfing :thumbs: )