View Full Version : Fear

Doc Holliday
09-23-2005, 08:28 AM

awesome game...demo i just played is very nice and would deffinally make a hella movie

09-24-2005, 06:17 AM
I just watched the demo video.

Maybe it is just my old video card. Why do all these new games have to be so dam dark. I can never see what the hell is going on. With their great graphic capabilities why do all the games have to be played in the dark. Granted the whole game may not be like that but I hate not being able to see what is going on.

09-24-2005, 02:54 PM

awesome game...demo i just played is very nice and would deffinally make a hella movie Yeah, I preordered it a month ago. I've made a couple of topics about it already. Doc, yeah the game is kinda dark, but not too dark. Its meant to be like a freaky game, wouldn't be as freaky with a bright surrounding. You'll be able to see perfectly, at least for me.