View Full Version : Total Overdose Demo

09-25-2005, 07:15 AM
I don't know if anyone has heard of this game, but it has to be the best demo I have played since Doom3/HL2. I am totally getting this game next month when I get my b-day cash.

It feels like a Max Payne game - you can do the slow-down shoot dodging, etc. But take Max Payne, and mix it with the attitude/humor of Serious Sam, and you have Total Overdose.

It's set in a mexican/western setting, and you feel like you're playing Desperado on crack, or something to that effect.

The whole game is about getting combos for killing people during your "adrenaline rush" type of times. You can do awesome tricks like flipping off the wall, which reward you with kewl things like rewinds when you die, or mariachi-style machine guns in the guitar cases.

One of my favorite things - when you're driving vehicles (including tractors!) you can right click to lean out the door, and then left click to jump out. Go hurtling full speed at an oncoming car, then jump out and you'll be in slow motion, shooting down enemies while you're flying away from the explosion!

The game is very fun, and very hilarious. I played the demo twice, and got a variety of awards, like the "Evil Elbow", the "Gringo Award" and many other, veyr funny awards.

I highly - highly - recommend downloading this game and giving it a go!
