View Full Version : Podcasting

09-27-2005, 06:56 PM
Has anyone in here gotten into Podcasting at all? If you've downloaded the new ITunes (version 5.0 and beyond), by default, Podcasting is listed as an option on your left. I've been hearing the word for months now, but haven't looked into it at all. However, since that link was right there, I clicked it and looked at what ITunes had to offer. There is a TON of stuff out via podcast! Now granted, there's a lot of crap that you probably don't want, but there's a lot of really cool stuff, too!

Basically, a Podcast is an internet-based radio show. Some are done solely for the web - others are recorded on radio and uploaded, but they're very cool.

For instance, for those of you that remember (and no doubt miss) "The Screensavers" from TechTV, before G4 ruined the station, Leo, Patrick, Kevin and others do a weekly broadcast called "This Week In Tech". Additionally, Leo does a show for a radio station out on the west coast - "KFI's Tech Guy" and uploads it as a Podcast - it's just like listening to his old "Call For Help" show!

There are podcasts on like everything you can imagine, and a lot of stuff you probably don't want to imagine :eek:

The best part is, with most applications, they'll download the new podcasts automatically if you subscribe to one. I have both of Leo's coming in every week when they get posted.

So I'm wondering, does anyone else listen to Podcasts? Any podcasts you'd recommend? Gaming Podcasts, perhaps?

09-28-2005, 03:28 AM
I listen to NPR National Public Radio podcasts occasionally, but not too often since my work internet blocks anything worth listening to..., pffft! :down: