View Full Version : Quake 4 to use Punkbuster

09-28-2005, 10:29 PM
Anticheat technology will be integrated into the multiplayer component of id Software's first-person shooter.

Multiplayer games are fun--until someone begins to cheat. Developers know this and do all they can to install countermeasures to stop spineless cheaters from gaining an advantage over hard-working, honest gamers. Activision knows that its anticipated PC game Quake 4 will attract all sorts of nefarious types looking to frag others by any means necessary. To combat this, the publisher signed a contract with Even Balance Inc. to integrate its anticheating software directly into the multiplayer component of the game. The software works by scanning players' computers for known cheats, removing those red-flagged for cheating, and more. Other games currently outfitted with Punkbuster include Battlefield 2, Call of Duty, and Far Cry.

:D Ohhhhh booooY! :eek:

09-29-2005, 02:02 PM
:rofl: :rofl:

09-29-2005, 08:16 PM

09-29-2005, 09:17 PM
This version of PB will prolly be a bit less "strict" and probably will not ruin your Quake 4 life forever.

10-01-2005, 03:06 PM
It'll be nice to keep as many cheaters down as possible! Less than two weeks left! WOOT! :thumbs:

10-01-2005, 08:20 PM
It'll be nice to keep as many cheaters down as possible! Less than two weeks left! WOOT! :thumbs:

According to Gamespot it's been pushed back to the 18th. :eek:

Caged Anger
10-01-2005, 11:46 PM
I am all for it

Nothing worse than running into a hacker halfway through a wholesome fragging

10-02-2005, 05:25 AM
hackers will find a way to avoid PB as usual

10-02-2005, 04:31 PM
hackers will find a way to avoid PB as usual Yup, not to mention the fact PB would lag up servers sometimes

10-02-2005, 04:57 PM
heh offcourse, all antihack soft does that, becouse they are sending data as well. its not a big lag, but anyway... depends on connection

10-16-2005, 09:30 PM

10-17-2005, 03:22 AM
Why did so many people hate the original PB with Quake? I never had a problem with it and it didn't seem to add any lag either.

10-17-2005, 11:32 AM
when I first started playing Q3 was with the outlaws. If it wasn't for Frag, Grimmy, and Shogun, I would've thrown the bitch out becuase I had so many PB issues with getting on servers. Being new to the game, and on-line gaming at the time, I had no clue as to what was wrong and how to fix it. I think I made 3-4 threads on just getting into servers because of the errors :down:

Anti-cheat has sucked the fun out of many games. UT 2k4 is having the same issue right now with Safegame :down: It's pretty sad that you can actually buy aimbots and trigger bots for games these days.