View Full Version : shogun : ff w4

Asian Invasian
10-03-2005, 11:08 PM
gg bro closest one yet
(now only if you didnt tell me to fix my kicker.. :P )

edit: just saw you stated the same thing on yahoo.

10-03-2005, 11:33 PM
:funny: It's funny now but man I was so pissed lastnight because yesterday was a all around bad sports day for me, my football fantasy team got beat, the Vikes got beat, my favorite NASCAR driver (Mark Martin) got caught in some others idiot's stupid crap and wrecked and is prob'ly out of the championship this year, I lost the lead in the NASCAR fantasy league because my drivers all got into wrecks. I was glad to see midnight come and put an end to that day. :rolleyes: Trust me, I kicked myself for sending you that PM about filling the kicker position. :D

Asian Invasian
10-04-2005, 04:39 AM
:funny: It's funny now but man I was so pissed lastnight because yesterday was a all around bad sports day for me, my football fantasy team got beat, the Vikes got beat, my favorite NASCAR driver (Mark Martin) got caught in some others idiot's stupid crap and wrecked and is prob'ly out of the championship this year, I lost the lead in the NASCAR fantasy league because my drivers all got into wrecks. I was glad to see midnight come and put an end to that day. :rolleyes: Trust me, I kicked myself for sending you that PM about filling the kicker position. :Dahah ya thanks man, i laughed so hard when i got on to see i won by one point, then better yet it was because my kicker had one point. :rofl:

10-04-2005, 02:23 PM
lol you two :funny: