View Full Version : Quake 4 Gone Gold and Ready for Release!

10-04-2005, 12:38 AM
GameSpot Latest News (http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/10/03/news_6134901.html)

October 18th.

Well it's good news for me at least. The game looks awesome from the QuakeCon and ID's footage. Looks like Raven did everything alright, the game comes with playable SinglePlayer and MultiPlayer right out of the box! :eek:

There is no question that this game will have a HUGE community following right away, so I'm sure all the bugs will be worked out ASAP and we can prolly expect a patch that fixes all the small things (if there are any).

So who is gonna buy this right when it comes out? (besides AI :P)
Or are most of you gonna wait and see what it's like and/or upgrade yer systems? ;P

10-04-2005, 01:36 AM
expect hundreds of servers in release day!
i will be one who will play on them :P

10-04-2005, 01:38 AM
expect hundreds of servers in release day!
i will be one who will play on them :P
Hopefully the netcode is good and there won't be alot of lag on me playing on a Euro server or you playing on a US server.

10-04-2005, 01:57 AM
Hell yes I'll be there. Look for a few more MERCs also.

10-04-2005, 02:09 AM
Hell yes I'll be there. Look for a few more MERCs also.
I'm guessing DE, SLiK, JIM, and AI? :eek:

...Psi too?!??! :eek: :thumbs: :eek: :thumbs: :eek:

10-04-2005, 02:46 AM
Me, DE and Slik. AI isn't a MERC anymore. Psi isn't a man anymore. Not sure about Jim...the man part or the Quake part.

10-04-2005, 03:02 AM
AI isn't a MERC anymore. Psi isn't a man anymore. Not sure about Jim...the man part or the Quake part.
LOL I though AI was still with you (better take him off the list then to avoid further confusion). But it would be cool to frag with you guys, anytime. :thumbs:

10-04-2005, 03:08 AM
I'll be buying it, but I never touch MP until after I beat the single player, or at least until I totally give up on the SP...besides, I suck anyways - you won't miss me. :D

10-04-2005, 02:12 PM
any word on a demo? :dunno:

no way I'm dropping $50 without a preview. Too many hyped up games have flopped! :down:

10-04-2005, 02:16 PM
No word on a demo yet. I'll be buying it anyways because I have read enough about it and know the franchise well enough to be reasonably sure I'll get my money's worth out of it.

Plus I don't think I've bought a PC game yet this year since there has been nothing but suck out so far. I'm itching to get something new.

Black Rose
10-04-2005, 05:05 PM
already preordered and I am really surprised we can get it here in germany :wootrock:

Caged Anger
10-04-2005, 08:20 PM
any word on a demo? :dunno:

no way I'm dropping $50 without a preview. Too many hyped up games have flopped! :down:

I'm with him, especially after the nose dive Sam2 made.... :down:

Caged Anger
10-04-2005, 08:37 PM
most i could find after searching around is that there is a really good game footage here>>> http://www.happypuppy.com/games.php?action=playmovie&gameid=1438&platform_id=games&movurl=aHR0cDovLzY1LjU2LjEuMjE0L3F1YWtlNF92ZWhpYy5 tb3Y=

And that there is a workign demo supposedly going to be pumped out with pcgamer soon

10-04-2005, 09:04 PM
You can pretty much bet the farm that this game is going to rock hard. It's being put out by iD and Raven software. Parts of those clip bear a strong resemblance to Raven's Soldier of Fortune. The Quake and SoF series have always been awesome games that have been supported quickly by their makers. To put a little spin on a E.F.Hutton sales phrase from a while back, iD and Raven are my game makers and when they speak, people listen.

Like the guy said in that interview, they took the best SP of the Quake series, which was Q2 and combined it with the best MP of the Quake series, which was Quake 3 and made Quake 4.

I've played the SoF and Quake series SPs all the way thru and i'll pick Q4 up for just the SP alone and consider the MP a bonus.

10-04-2005, 09:12 PM
Hmmm, tough choice. I have already preordered FEAR and it comes out like the same day as Quake 4. Shall I go for the uberness of getting two games at once?

Damn straight I will. But afterwards, screw buying any other game for at least 6 months.

10-05-2005, 12:25 AM
i just bought BF 1942 with both expansions, Doom3 and Far cry. And i dont really enjoy them heh... all i play currently is ssse for god sake.
I saw few of trailers for q4, it looks very well. Hope they wont make another "surprise" as croteam did

10-05-2005, 02:25 AM
There are a TON of previews and info regarding Quake 4 MP and SP most of which can be found over at www.gamespot.com. There will probably be a demo soon after the game's release so those still skeptical (Pure and whoever else) can wait for it. IMO FEAR will not come close to being what Quake 4 is in Multiplayer, same goes for SP. But we will have to wait and see about that.

All I know is that once I got my new rig biult probably by late October cuz i need $$ for a good vid card, Quake 4 will be THE game to play.

10-05-2005, 03:47 PM
There are a TON of previews and info regarding Quake 4 MP and SP most of which can be found over at www.gamespot.com (http://www.gamespot.com/). There will probably be a demo soon after the game's release so those still skeptical (Pure and whoever else) can wait for it. IMO FEAR will not come close to being what Quake 4 is in Multiplayer, same goes for SP. But we will have to wait and see about that.

All I know is that once I got my new rig biult probably by late October cuz i need $$ for a good vid card, Quake 4 will be THE game to play.Yeah I definately know Q4 will be better than FEAR in MP, not so much sure about the SP part. I think I'll enjoy FEAR's SP more as I'm not a big fan of open-war like SP.

10-05-2005, 04:40 PM
Heh, I'm not a big fan of a story-like/linear SP, i need freedom like Halo or well Quake 4. :D

10-05-2005, 05:49 PM
Halo= over-rated IMO. Anywho, do you guys think the Special DVD version is worth the extra $10? It comes with Quake 2 along with the 2 expansion packs. Never played Quake 2 before, so don't know if its worth it. I've wasted waaayyy too much on bad collectors/special/premium/etc versions.

10-05-2005, 06:36 PM
Halo= over-rated IMO. Anywho, do you guys think the Special DVD version is worth the extra $10? It comes with Quake 2 along with the 2 expansion packs. Never played Quake 2 before, so don't know if its worth it. I've wasted waaayyy too much on bad collectors/special/premium/etc versions.
I would say yes. I like seeing the making-of footage of a game that I like, it shows how normal, and everyday people can come up with something so cool. Quake 2 is pretty dated, but they do have a mod that makes it look pretty modern, so if you're looking for more SP after you're done Quake 4 I'd recommend playing it. :) Doesn't look like it comes with a poster tho :(

PS Halo 2 is overrated but the original's SP was amazing.

10-05-2005, 07:44 PM
What i have seen... teh answer is Yesssss!! Yoos can expect to see some Saintly presence on teh Q4 servers!! :D

10-05-2005, 09:53 PM
IMO FEAR will not come close to being what Quake 4 is in Multiplayer, same goes for SP. But we will have to wait and see about that..
But offcourse it won't, i downloaded that crap allready. Not kinda satisfied
i bought one of "best game" called Doom3. It was scary at the start of SP,,, cool, but i've got tired of seeing same mettallic grey walls in every level... so, great i am not satisfied again...

If Quake 4 will be based on same slow movements (used to speedy Q3), that will be last FPS i will buy for long time

anyway... lets hope
ad yeah, if we are talking about Halo.... complete crap again heh... dunno whats happening with FPS nowadays,,, they are getting better graphics,, but nothing new, same old ideas... start with crowbars, get a gun, take this, go there... ehh i dont know what people did find so excelent in there... Multiplayer? hehehe why? becouse of transport? Just get BF 1942 and you will have more choise of them and twice more players

SoulReaver: ID soft released Quake 2's source code,,, so that means its free now,, just go and grab it, if u want. Where? google magic!

10-05-2005, 10:30 PM
SoulReaver: ID soft released Quake 2's source code,,, so that means its free now,, just go and grab it, if u want. Where? google magic!
Do you have to know how to compile it, cuz I don't... :P

10-05-2005, 10:47 PM
But, does it come with the expansions? NO!

Seriously though, does it?

EDIT: Looks like no, here is d/l for Q2.


10-05-2005, 11:07 PM
yes... visual basic .net, C++ and others
its useless anyway, i'd better preffer q3 engine! (lol Doom 3 is made on it,, no wonder for hughe sys specs)

10-05-2005, 11:10 PM
Wait, I just realized its for modding and stuff. GUess I can't play it. Oh well. Thats what I thought it was when I first heard of it being realeased a month or two ago. Meh, :( Will probably just buy DVD version then.

10-12-2005, 03:13 PM
Ill need to see a demo first before I buy it. I am tired of dropping big bucks on the games that have more eye candy then functionality.

10-12-2005, 04:33 PM

hope this hasnt been posted before...some days old.

Apparently "PC Gamer" already have a quake 4 review. They gave 70 % ( Doom3 got ~94% i think). ????


10-12-2005, 06:35 PM

hope this hasnt been posted before...some days old.

Apparently "PC Gamer" already have a quake 4 review. They gave 70 % ( Doom3 got ~94% i think). ????


most of that seems based on the single player (if legit), which i'm not getting it for at all.

10-12-2005, 08:30 PM

hope this hasnt been posted before...some days old.

Apparently "PC Gamer" already have a quake 4 review. They gave 70 % ( Doom3 got ~94% i think). ????

http://www.evilavatar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6012 I've heard that before but I think its a lie for some reason. I have never actually seen the issue with the review in it, nor has some other people that I know subscribe to the mag.

EDIT: NVM, some dude said that it got a 70%. He just got the issue in. :( Crap. Don't know what to do now.

10-13-2005, 01:58 AM
Hah. Don't go by what other people say. PC Gamer is just one gaming mag, and one guy wrote the review, so he didn't like a certain aspect of the game. Hard to tell because I doubt he was able to play much MP due to the game not even being out yet. The reviewee complained about the lack of bots and "unisnpired" gameplay. Well the MP gameplay is said to be very much like Quake 3's, fast and frantic. This is what the fans wanted in the first place and by looking at the QuakeCon vids and reading people's impressions, the multiplayer was worth the wait.

There will be tons of mods made for the game because the community is huge and filled with very good coders and designers. Many pro-players who have earned their fame with Quake 3 and UT2k4 will be playing this game as well at the CPL. So there will be many additions made to the game in order to satisfy the pro's :D.

My suggestion is wait for the demo (which should be out within a week or two after the game is released) and draw your own conclusion as to whether buy it or not. I never reserver anything because there is always the chance that it might suck when it comes out. But Quake 4 is not a failure or a let down like Serious Sam 2 was. I hope to see many people from GM playing this in a month or so.

10-13-2005, 03:47 PM
Yeah I guess so. I already preordered it, I guess I'll just take a risk. Won't be buying another game for a long time after I buy this one though, been spending too much money on games lately.