View Full Version : Looking for a GM Quake 4 Server

10-05-2005, 08:17 PM
With the release of Quake 4 in a couple of weeks, it looks like there is a healthy dose of GM people and clans that will be involved in the DM part of the game. I'm looking for someone that is interested in hosting a GM Quake 4 DM server. Naturally it would have to be a nice connection to host a bunch of us at once, have GM in the name, and when a stats mod comes out, I'd like to have it installed.

In the future, once a stats mod is released, I'd like to have Q4 stats displayed in the forums, so we can all see how bad you are losing to me and MERC. It's time to bring back the competitiveness to GM, and its obvious Quake 4 is our best bet to do that.

10/18...Run Prey.

10-05-2005, 08:46 PM
Can't wait! Hope someone hosts a server for us. Perhaps a CTF one too?

10-06-2005, 12:20 AM
Slash!? Fraghetti? ANYONE?!

I'm really hoping we'll have one too, but if not sometime in the future I'm sure we can all find a nice server and play there.

10-06-2005, 04:03 AM
one little question, has quake 4 this unique cd-keys like unreal 2004? i can buy it maby two years after realease when price will possible

10-06-2005, 04:40 AM
I am sure it will. You won't be able to download it and play online if that's what you're wondering.