View Full Version : Forum Upgrade Complete

10-08-2005, 04:24 PM
The forum upgrade from 3.03 to 3.5 was success. You'll notice some of the mods we had before gone now, but I will be slowly bringing them back or replacing them with improved versions. If you notice any errors, please post them in this thread.

Later today I will begin adding some features, but for now you can use the forums as normal.

Here is a partial list of what's new:

Product/Plugin system with over 550 'hook' locations strategically placed in the code. Allows modification and extension of vBulletin without physical alteration of the vBulletin PHP scripts.
Inline moderation allows multiple threads or posts to be have moderation actions performed without a visit to the admin or moderator control panels
Completely rewritten message editor with ability to instantly switch between standard and WYSIWYG modes
Thread title editing on forumdisplay via AJAX
Thread opening and closing on forumdisplay via AJAX
Super-Quick Reply on showthread via AJAX
Inline post edit on showthread via AJAX
Username suggestion for PM recipients and search by user via AJAX
Data manipulation APIs (Data Manager) for centralized data saving
Template History & Comparison for easy tracking of changes
Database-based thread and forum read marking
MySQL Full Text Search
Additional Datastore Storage Methods
SMTP Mail Wrapper
MySQLi Wrapper
PHPDoc'd Source Code
Moderator log language abstraction
Webkit support for style manager color picker
ImageMagick 6 Support (alternative to GD)
Calendar events support start/end times
Custom avatar and profile picture resizing
Profile pictures can be saved to filesystem
Statistics ordering
Each attachment image type can be individually set to generate thumbnails or not
Each attachment image type can be individually set to open in a new window or not
Moderated posts and threads do not contribute to post count until approved
Language chooser in footer
New bbcode parser now corrects invalid tag nesting to ensure valid HTML
New [attach] bbcode tag for placing attachments inline with messages
New [noparse] bbcode tag for disabling bbcode parsing within
Word wrap excludes contents of PHP/CODE/HTML blocks
Search engine spider configuration via XML file
New 'Can View Thread Content' permission
New 'Can Upload Animated GIF' permission
Attachment upload via URL in addition to local upload
New (hopefully foolproof) method for setting cookiepath/cookiedomain
Forum description field no longer limited to 250 characters
Completely rewritten Paid Subscriptions system - now known as Payment APIs. New support for 2checkout, Worldpay and Authorize.net
'Always Moderate Group Posts' permission replaced with more logical 'Follow Forum Moderation Rules' permission
Threads containing posts awaiting moderation have indicator icon on forumdisplay for moderators
Right-to-left language support improved
Additional 'Execute SQL' auto-queries added
Image verification for sendmessage to avoid spam issues
Improved registration image verification to out-fox those pesky bots
Control panel navigation controlled by XML for easier addition of links
Upgrade system now imports styles/languages/options only after upgrade complete rather than after each script
Ability to preview signature edits
Calendar event email reminders
And of course, numerous bugs and annoyances resolved.

10-08-2005, 04:39 PM
It looks like there are some style issues with the hi-fi skin. I'll be working on them today.

10-08-2005, 05:05 PM
hifi is ok for me,,, at least it does show me avatars of users

10-08-2005, 05:12 PM
In the hi-fi skin, the column that shows the avatar and stuff was reverted to the original style. I just have to make that look pretty again.

10-08-2005, 05:43 PM
One of the biggest changes you will see is with quick reply. It now just adds your post to the thread dynamically instead of loading the whole page again.

10-08-2005, 05:52 PM
trying :wave:

10-08-2005, 05:52 PM
wow cool

10-08-2005, 05:53 PM
can you tell me how does it works? ive got no idea how to add post without loading page code again :hmmm:

10-08-2005, 06:04 PM
It does it with a mix of HTML, XHTML, and XML. The technical term is AJAX. You can do research on it through Google to learn how it does everything.

10-08-2005, 06:16 PM
w00t!!! AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript And XML) is pretty sweet stuff.

Basically, rather than refreshing and making a call to the server, javascript sits on the page and passes back and forth information to a web service via XML...looks very smooth...

A few examples: www.protopage.com, Google Suggest, Yahoo Instant Search...Google Maps also uses it (that's why you can drag and drag and never have a refresh.

Very kewl SAL - should make things a lot smoother!

10-08-2005, 06:26 PM
very good Sal!!!

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-08-2005, 08:19 PM
Thanks Sal. :wave:

10-08-2005, 08:41 PM
i have a double mecca pass

10-08-2005, 08:45 PM
Do you mean the icon shows twice for you? Which skin are you using?

10-08-2005, 08:50 PM
Very nice upgrade SAL. :D

10-08-2005, 09:21 PM
Sweet/Nice n WoOTS :) ......Tx for Da GM UBerEsent Upgrade Sal !! :thumbs: :thumbs:

10-08-2005, 09:32 PM
Very nice! Thanks!

10-08-2005, 10:10 PM
The little ABC with the checkmark under it to the upper right of the post box is a free spell checking feature that you can download. Please do us a favor and use it. :)


10-08-2005, 10:34 PM
The little ABC with the checkmark under it to the upper right of the post box is a free spell checking feature that you can download. Please do us a favor and use it. :)


:rofl: Dew speling erors baather yew, SHOW?


10-09-2005, 01:08 AM
Nice. :cool:

10-09-2005, 03:06 AM
The little ABC with the checkmark under it to the upper right of the post box is a free spell checking feature that you can download. Please do us a favor and use it. :)


do u have anything for Firefox? Sorry, i dont really want to bother myself cleaning out viruses caused by IE :P

Die Hard
10-10-2005, 11:59 AM
The Arcade highest scores have disappeared from under the names?

Black Rose
10-10-2005, 12:32 PM
The Arcade highest scores have disappeared from under the names?

sure, because Sal has deleted our arcade section :bawling:

10-10-2005, 01:44 PM
Smileys don't work with Mozilla either :(

10-10-2005, 01:52 PM
The arcade is being upgraded to version 3.5 now. Hopefully it doesn't take too long and then you will see a new and improved arcade here.

Black Rose
10-10-2005, 02:08 PM
The arcade is being upgraded to version 3.5 now. Hopefully it doesn't take too long and then you will see a new and improved arcade here.
:woohoo: you are my hero Sal http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/bussi.gif thank you :wub:

10-10-2005, 05:01 PM
FYI - When I said that its being upgraded, I meant the developer is still working on it, not that I was in the process of implementing it. Just wanted to let you know it should still be a few weeks.

10-10-2005, 05:09 PM
The arcade is being upgraded to version 3.5 now. Hopefully it doesn't take too long and then you will see a new and improved arcade here.

Yeaah, please hurry, i want to kick Roses butt in Tetris.:D

10-10-2005, 06:04 PM
Looks goo so far SAL...:)