View Full Version : Champion Levels

10-10-2005, 07:13 PM
Who's going to start on these now?
---and the DL said the 11th. thats when we can expect quick fixes and hot patches. lol

From what I've read most are doable with just an average FG, but I thought it would be a good start to mention it here on our own boards first.

I plan on taking Both my cleric and cab thru ASAP and have been working on the epic for cab, having completed the old epic on cleric long ago.

10-10-2005, 08:47 PM
Tatata ... you don't need anyone for Champion Levels just some thing that gives you experience like RvR and mobs.

What you mean are the Champion Quests.

Champion Quest chapter 1 can be done solo, if you are a cleric you will need 1 helping hand.
Champion Quest chapter 2 can be done solo except the last step where you have to kill Geryon. For that you will need ca. 4 people (good balanced group tho).
For Champion Quest chapter 3 you will need a FG (can't take more than 8 tho because its group credit), won't take too long, we killed the circle of five in about 2 hours, after that only 1 final mob left.

Back to Champion Lvl Experience, you reach about Champion Level 3.5 when you are done with the Quests. In RvR you get quite good Champion Experience when you kill a Hib or Mid. Not nearly as annoying than ML Exp.

For all the RvR freaks: for subclassing, horses you only need to get Champion levels.
The champ weapon you get either if u ding CL 5 or have CQ chapter 2 done.
The second "proc" or "use" on your weapon you will get only if you have finished CQ 3 tho. Your decicion if it's worth it doing the Quests...

Back to topic: I will be doing the Champion Quests during the next few weeks with all my 50's :D Will need help in chapter 3 a lot then...

10-11-2005, 05:28 AM
Will servant necro's be handy to have in these quests?

10-11-2005, 01:59 PM
Servant necros are always handy to have ;)

10-11-2005, 03:17 PM
Don't you need to have all levels and quests done to get the epic mounts?

10-11-2005, 03:47 PM

Chestnut Horse: cl 0
several other horses: cl 1 and cl 2
Warhorses: cl 3 and cl 4
Epic mounts: cl 5

No champion quests needed for that

10-11-2005, 03:54 PM
http://www.camelotherald.com/article.php?id=168 It says both Champion Levels and Quests required???

10-11-2005, 03:56 PM
You have to do quests for each (Epic) mount. That's not the same as the champion quests.

10-11-2005, 03:57 PM
Oh, i'm so lost. Did you do those? If so, please elaborate.... :D

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-11-2005, 10:11 PM
Haha bunch of Wow wanna bees. :P

10-12-2005, 03:44 PM
Me and my bro Taleho/Solinnir are possibly gona start these sometime tonite, so if ne1 is interested send me (Podgy) or him in game if u wana join.

10-13-2005, 08:12 AM
Ding CL3 tonight :cool: That 50 step was almost as bad as an ML :banghead:

10-13-2005, 08:45 AM
Ding CL3 tonight :cool: That 50 step was almost as bad as an ML :banghead:

At what point do you need more then a bot along? Just started the lvl 40 one.

10-13-2005, 01:52 PM
The last 40 step I'd say.

Edit: I just read up and you said you did the 50 step in 2 hours?!!! How the heck did you do it that fast? Was that with a pbaoer? The aggro in between was so heavy with fast respawning and it took us forever to move around between the 5. It just so happened that another grp was at the worm spawning mob with us (dont remember his name) and they helped us kill the adds and us vs versa. I cant imagine how hard that would have been without help and no pber because of all the adds.

10-13-2005, 02:26 PM
"I cant imagine how hard that would have been without help and no pber because of all the adds."

If I'm on and anyone needs help with this let me know =). I just started the CL on my theurg. Wizzy will be next.

10-18-2005, 02:58 PM
I am working on the quests. Currently through Circle of 5 the CL quest in Brimstone cavern (level 50). I have done this several times and can lead/help. It is actually best to have 3 groups in a BG and take turns on the main mobs. Even High RR groups (Dark Knights tried the other day with just a group and wiped serveral times) have a tough time. Too many groups and it takes too long. Each of the 5 mobs has to be killed by each group. You can zerg the mob down to about 15% then have the group that needs credit to finish. If you continue to Zerg no one will get credit. You could do it with two uber groups but each mob has lots of adds. Gharac if you have a chance usually Mon, Wed or Fri during the day I will lead raid for you. Pebs and Honey and Gears are usually on as well.

10-18-2005, 05:13 PM
We did the circle of 5 with 9 people. 6 plus a bot in our grp and 3 in another grp. It was time consuming but everything was manageable except for that worm spawning guy because of the adds. We did the final mob in the ID with 7 people and a bot. The only time that it got a bit hairy was when we had to juggle the mobs around legion but we were less than a fg and one of our clerics was smite spec rofl.