View Full Version : IGN Quake 4 review is up!

10-14-2005, 08:09 PM

8.2 ! I think thats ok, but still reading the review to see pro's and con's. Glad to see it got a better review here than some mags.

EDIT: Man 16 player cap for online, thats dissapointing...

10-14-2005, 08:23 PM
I hope upcoming reviews talk more about multiplayer. I don't care about SP. The only reason I plan on getting Q4 is for the MP.

10-14-2005, 08:29 PM
EDIT: Man 16 player cap for online, thats dissapointing...

Good grief, how many players do you want in a map with you at one time? 16 is more than good enough to hold tournaments on.

Caged Anger
10-14-2005, 08:49 PM
looks good, going to place my preorder here pretty quick

10-14-2005, 11:32 PM
It got a solid score, yet that review actually let my hopes down and makes me question whether or not the game will be worth full price...the entire single player campaign in less than 10 hours?! Awful.

I'm gonna wait for the GM variety reviews to come in before I get this title, methinks.

10-15-2005, 12:51 AM
I'm with SAL on this one. I'm getting Quake IV for quake3 eqsue DM. That's all I want and all I need :)

Dangerous Dan
10-15-2005, 01:19 AM
well, seeing how it was using the Doom3 engine, i guess that score is rather impressive.

10-15-2005, 02:37 AM
They really don't go too in-depth on the overall feel and combat pace of the multiplayer. Sure it lacks maps but that's a given since its not an MP only game like Quake 3 was. I think that the MP will be near perfect for competitive purposes once there are some more maps released and some possible add-on patches or mods.

10-15-2005, 03:28 AM
Good grief, how many players do you want in a map with you at one time? 16 is more than good enough to hold tournaments on. Nah, in Q3 we'd have 10 guys on each side (CTF) and like 5-10 specs in clan wars. But I guess 16 is enough since the maps are probably sized for it.

Anyways, I also am getting it just for MP, SP is for when I am bored or internet is out for something.

10-15-2005, 08:45 PM
This was copied from a poster on www.esreality.com (MrE) in reference to the review.

"No mention of weapon balance. No mention of item placements (not that its' very important to the quake scene). No mention of teleporters with multi-directional entry-exit points and their relative merits/downsides. No mention of the feel of strafe jumping. No mention of the style of multiplayer maps. No mention of qw/q2/q3 comparisons. No mention of the speed of the rockets, the punch and power of the rail, the effectiveness of the zoomed mg, the usefulness of the nailgun. What Quake is this game going to be most like? Have Raven kept the strafe just how it should be?! Anyone would think that Quake4 is going to be just another cheap thrill which gets unistalled 7hours after installation.

This review has answered nothing, and proved the obvious. Quake is a **** singleplayer experience (unless you like strafing around the level doing things faster than you should). The multiplayer is yet to be reviewed.... "
