View Full Version : Flash Game

Caged Anger
10-14-2005, 08:55 PM
Something to keep you occupied during one of those long d/l's :thumbs:


10-15-2005, 01:12 PM
lol that psycho wont let me live peacefully :D

here's another game:

solid snake295
10-15-2005, 08:54 PM
made it to day 37 then it got boring, nothing new was showing up.
see if you can beat this:

10-15-2005, 10:29 PM
made it to day 37 then it got boring, nothing new was showing up.
see if you can beat this: Holy hell, how? I keep trying, can't get passed day 6, lol.

EDIT: Erm...day 7... w00t?

EDIT (again): Day 10!

Caged Anger
10-16-2005, 12:12 AM
I keep gettin swamped the minute that the rocket people show up

10-16-2005, 02:04 AM
I keep gettin swamped the minute that the rocket people show up I found a nice tactic to use, it got me to day 10, not anymore though, lol. Buy as much ammo capacity every round. DO not buy anything else. After day 3 is over, buy 1 gunmen and as much ammo capacity as possible. After day 4, I got another gunmen, upgraded walls, and an ammo capaicty. Next day a craftsmen and some more ammo capacity. So just buy a lot of ammo capacity :D

EDIT: Got to lvl 18. Those missles are extremely helpful. Man the tanks screwed me up.

Caged Anger
10-16-2005, 03:31 AM
My men were strong, they fought well while being given air support

At approximately 11:26 PM, men were given world there would be no aerial support, that they would be fighting on their own

At approximately 11:27PM, men were given last resupply and repair time, new recruits were delivered

At approximately 11:28PM, battle commenced between my men and the engaging enemy. Men fought valiently and bravely

At approximately 11:29PM, Day 44, all contact was lost with the outpost. All are presumed dead

:bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :D

10-16-2005, 02:13 PM
Any advice? This game is kinda addicting for me.

10-16-2005, 06:04 PM
i went to day 12,,, i had 40 bullets, and 10 workers... then remembered that i can build up fortify not only a wall :/

Caged Anger
10-16-2005, 06:48 PM
hey soul, i did it by always having an even number of bullets, getting 4 gunmen, 2 craftsman, and getting a silo asap with workers. To each their own though :)