View Full Version : Quake 4 Tomorrow

Caged Anger
10-17-2005, 09:45 PM
Who's gettin it? I am!!!!

10-17-2005, 09:57 PM
HECK YEAH!!! Though it won't be in stores till Wed as it takes a day to ship, unless they already have it in stock and are waiting to put it on shelves. I'll be still going tomorrow to check as I am gonna be picking up FEAR as well.

10-17-2005, 10:30 PM
pick up a dictionary while you are there :rolleyes: :D

Quake 4 Tomarrow

10-17-2005, 11:16 PM
Me not :P i dont like quake :)

10-18-2005, 12:10 AM
Everyone needs to get this or else...

10-18-2005, 12:20 AM
I already had it paid for two weeks ago!!!

10-18-2005, 02:11 AM
You might find some stores that have it late tomorrow. It all depends when they get their shipments and if they're willing to stock it right away.

Caged Anger
10-18-2005, 06:47 PM
hey Sal, I got my copy today and will be happy to hop on a server asap :thumbs:

might play single first though....:D

10-18-2005, 08:48 PM
w00t they got it!!! Gonna d/l' it now along with FEAR!

EDIT: WTF? It won't read either of the discs and I have a dvd drive. It was working fine a week or two ago... this sucks. Any help?

EDIT (again): Ok it won't play normal cd's as well. I think one of the cables aren't hooked up, I have a feeling which one it is but am clueless were to insert it.

10-19-2005, 01:52 AM
w00t they got it!!! Gonna d/l' it now along with FEAR!

EDIT: WTF? It won't read either of the discs and I have a dvd drive. It was working fine a week or two ago... this sucks. Any help?

EDIT (again): Ok it won't play normal cd's as well. I think one of the cables aren't hooked up, I have a feeling which one it is but am clueless were to insert it.
If it's an IDE/internal drive then there should be three cables. One would be a ribbon-like cable, make sure that its completely inserted into the drive by pushing it in from all sides, the cable goes into the motherboard as well so push it down into the IDE Interface Connector. Then there would be a power cable connected to your power supply, if this isn't completely plugged in the drive probably wouldn't even turn on but make sure anyway. You prolly have an audio cable too that is very thin and you will need to consult your mobo manual to see where it goes but it shouldn't give you problems.

If this doesn't solve your problem I recommend updating your drivers and looking into BIOS to see if the drive is recognized by your computer as a primary master or slave or a secondary master or slave.

That's all I can think of, here's a pic to show you what the cables should look like.

10-19-2005, 08:04 PM
I screwed up my comp. I was trying to hook back up a cable when I bumped into another one and shut down the comp. I couldn't turn it back home so I decided to wait till my dad got home as he is a computer technician. When he tried to turn it on, something burned out. We found out it was the motherboard. So now, Im getting a new motherboard and graphics card. Won't be done for awhile :/

Kinda dissapointed as I am going to get a crappy 6200, which I doubt will run Q4 and FEAR good. Also, the case is being changed, and I really liked my old one as it had VERY good airflow and eliminated by overheating problems. man, I wished I got some better stuff as my computer is like 3-4 years old and I am getting crappy stuff to replae it. Oh well, my mom says if the 6200 doesn't run she will get me another graphics card. Highly doubt my dad will allow it though, as he is pretty cheap when coming to getting anything for the house.

BTW, can AGP graphics cards run on PCI Express motherboards?

10-19-2005, 08:29 PM
No PCI-E boards are exclusive to PCI-E video cards. I doubt that you will be able to find a PCI-E and an AGP compliant mobo online or in a store. The 6200 seems a bit weak for Quake 4 and FEAR but it will probably be good enough to run both games at a medium or low gfx setting.

10-19-2005, 08:46 PM
Soul if you have a computer problem, you would get more attention in the correct forum section.

But since this thread has already been jacked