View Full Version : Selling Igraine Account

10-19-2005, 02:01 PM
As bad as i hate to do it I am going to sell my account. I will give a breif explanation of whats on it and if you are interested you can email me for more info. This account is Cats enabled and I have account, password and SW.

Level 50 Mercenary
RR 5L0

Traitors Dagger
Harpys Feather Cloak
Belt of the Sun
Have tons of credits done for other artis. I was in the middle of getting his template finished when i changed servers so I have full suit of MP armor in vault.

Level 50 Cabalist
RR 2L0
1145 Legendary Tailor
Can hinge DF stuff but cant remember what total metal working I am

No artis so needs alot of work.

Level 50 Reaver (Merlin)

I might be separating this toon but if interested Let me know.

Just thought I would let you guys know first. If I get no bites here then ill ebay it. The reason I am sellin is I have infil, reaver and merc on merlin that take up all my time.

BassPlaya5@yahoo.com is email or you can pm me on here.

10-19-2005, 06:26 PM
I might know someone that *may* be interested. I'll mention it to him.

Plz just remember to /gc quit your toons from OoD before you sell them.

How much are you asking btw?

10-19-2005, 06:59 PM
just by looking on ebay and comparing prices with other stuff I think Im gonna ask 170 for all 3 toons. if i take the reaver off it will be more like 150.