View Full Version : The Q4 Discussion Thread

Caged Anger
10-23-2005, 08:23 PM
Thoughts, views, and opinions can be placed here: :thumbs:

I myself thought it was a wonderful game with greatn special effects.However, my one place of disappointment was in the vehicle levels. I think they could have been developed to a more full aspect. the tank level alone took me 5 minutes to complete and even with greater difficulty, one can simply bomb right through without shooting much of anything.

The walker level was also rather short and meaningless. They might have done better to spread the vehicles out in more areas and placed more detail into the objectives faced while in the vehicles.

10-24-2005, 12:13 PM
I had the chance to play the game at lanwar for a few hours. I played just a little of the singleplayer and a quite a bit of DM and CTF. Singleplayer is not my gig.

I found the multiplayer quite familliar with Q-3 wich to me was great! Not a carbon copy either. I didn't play Q-3 enough to really make a quality comparison. I will say at the lan, the game ran great and smooth on my laptop, the action was quite fast too. I didn't like how dark everything was, but the "environment" of the gameplay was intense, far more than UT 2k4. You could almost feel the building shaking as the combat exploded around you. :thumbs: I can see myself buying the game in the next month or two and am glad to finally see a FPS game live up to its hype!

I would give the multiplayer a 8.5 on a 1-10 scale. I may play the single player a little more over the next few weeks.

10-24-2005, 02:40 PM
Pff ... quake 4 was hyped to death. And now ? It just sux. SP is no fun and it doesnt even look good.

He Is Legend
10-24-2005, 03:27 PM

10-24-2005, 03:36 PM
like I said, SP isn't for me, can't see paying that kind of cash for a SP game.

I still enjoy 2k4 more that Q4, but that's personal prefference, but I think Q4 will push UT 2k7 to be even better.

I can't see people bashing MP unless they hated Q3 and bashed that, or their rig can't run it. Unfo also played it and enjoyed it. As far as I know, he's always been a UT guy as well.

Also, Dissectional saw the singleplayer and messed with it a little and added it to his wish list just on SP alone.

10-24-2005, 06:18 PM
Is there a demo coming soon?

Caged Anger
10-24-2005, 06:29 PM
no word

10-24-2005, 06:37 PM
the movements aren't the same as q3. And there is no freeze tag mod with crappy grappling hook :P

10-24-2005, 06:40 PM
It's a sad thing that these game makers have outdated most player's machines just for some extra eyecandy. Dropping nearly $1k for a new one just to play certain games is something I can't afford or am willing to do. I'm sure the game is great and if anything causes it's sales to falter, I'm sure it will be because of the cost to players having to upgrade just to play them. :down:

10-24-2005, 06:40 PM
And there is no freeze tag mod with crappy grappling hook :P


10-24-2005, 07:06 PM
Mutiplayer DM is pretty good. The weapons are all there, the movement is not quite like Quake 3, but it feels much more realistic and the "sliding" feeling is pretty much gone. Maps are not very polished and the DM17 remake, although still fun to play, lacks the intensity of its Quake 3 counterpart. Kinda sucks that Raven complately ditched the comic-style look of Quake 3 and made the game look more realistic, the player skins are pretty bland. But most of the issues that I've encountered can probably be patched, and the Quake community has genreally "accepted" the game. There will be new maps, mods, and other goodies for those who have yet to fully updrage their systems. But I'd play Quake 4 over ssam anyday.

Caged Anger
10-24-2005, 09:49 PM
It's a sad thing that these game makers have outdated most player's machines just for some extra eyecandy. Dropping nearly $1k for a new one just to play certain games is something I can't afford or am willing to do. I'm sure the game is great and if anything causes it's sales to falter, I'm sure it will be because of the cost to players having to upgrade just to play them. :down:

Shogun, you seem so in the dumps and unable to play Q4 because of your system yet i look at your specs and they are a step above what I have. I realize that the published requrements are high, but they are most certainly wrong. The eyecandy can be turned off and the graphics minimalized to such an extent that its no different from playing Q3 on highest settings :) :thumbs:

10-24-2005, 10:29 PM
Tips for higher FPS in MP.
Low GFX Config extract to your baseq4 folder


Turn off the gun model, disable shadows and bump mapping as well as setting the video setting to LOW.

The game caps at 60 Frames Per Second, anything higher means that its redrawing the frames. Remember than frame rate affects the physics (strafe jumping, rocket jumping, etc)

Hope that helps some. :)

Caged Anger
10-25-2005, 06:24 PM
thx exe, that cfg file really trims the fat. Boosted my FPS to average 30 during combat :thumbs:

what are bump maps anyway?

10-25-2005, 06:56 PM
thx exe, that cfg file really trims the fat. Boosted my FPS to average 30 during combat :thumbs:

what are bump maps anyway?
Copied from visionengineer.com
"Bump mapping works by changing the way in which light is reflected off an object’s surface. This allows it to give an object more detail without have to modelling it with more polygons."
And lighting is the main highlight of the Doom 3 Engine technlogy even though it can't really be put into good use in MP for a while.

Black Rose
11-06-2005, 10:21 AM
and the respawning sucks.. needs too much time..

...and the biggest mistake they did: No female player model SUCKS !!

love Sam 2, fast respawn and a female player model :wub: :P

Caged Anger
11-06-2005, 03:13 PM
given time, a female model will no doubt be developed by modders :thumbs:

11-06-2005, 11:06 PM
I like how she says "SUCKS" :wub: :wub:

Black Rose
11-07-2005, 09:44 AM
I like how she says "SUCKS" :wub: :wub: