View Full Version : i need some help on Traveling

10-31-2005, 06:59 AM
Hello guys
i never traveled anywhere before in my life, but now i am working and i'll have 2 weeks holidays in a winter time. So i decided to go to some warmer country
but i have no clue where to go. Could someone please give me at lease some clue?

its 23. of December and price would be acceptable from 300 till 400 euros
i found this one,
looks great so far, but maybe there is some better places that people seen here :)

10-31-2005, 08:42 AM
You could come to New Zealand but you would need to really need to stretch that budget. :D

Die Hard
10-31-2005, 09:51 AM
Hi Hybrid,

The Canary Islands are the best bet (and will be the cheapest) for sun and warmth. There really isn't anywhere nearer for us Europeans to go to get some heat in winter.

So, you're location is spot on. Try also looking at the other three main Islands. I hear there are some good deals to be had in Fuerteventura. :thumbs:

10-31-2005, 11:48 AM
If you are looking for a cheap flight+hotel arrangement then you might shop around at the local tour operators...I don't know which ones are known in Ireland.

Tui (German tour operator) owns Jetair in my country
ThomasCook is also a big tour operator

tour operator make deals with hotels about their prices and sell you a package

10-31-2005, 02:22 PM
egypt. my cousin&his wife was there for trip after wedding. i saw photos and looks really great and its close to your country :thumbs: there is avarage temperature 20 - 30C in winter, but i really dont know how much it costs and if temperature about 25C is enough

10-31-2005, 02:23 PM
oh and dont forget your camera ;)

10-31-2005, 07:37 PM
i wont :D
cheers, but i am not sure there is any swiming pools in egypt hehe, well, that country would be target someday anyway, becouse i really want to look inside those damn pyramids
New Zealand, i hear of it, but right now the most popular country everybody talks about is canary islands. I checked online today and found there is an tour agency near my town, i am gonna check it out as soon as possible

Thanks lads