View Full Version : quake rox !

Turbo Charger
11-02-2005, 10:47 PM
i tried a little quake arena, but it's not untill now I'm really gettin into it.. and holy .... ! this game is awesome! think I'll stick with it.
Only thing is that I suck, so I was kinda hoping for some advise from some of the quakewiseguys :).. 1 thing: the railgun- already becoming my fav weapon. But is it any good using the scope?`atm i got it placed at right MB, but im really not sure if its any good at all? and another question: if anyone wanna do some namedropping on some good servers ill be very grateful, cuz it seems a bit hard to sort out a 1000 servers. :) (thinking of sams oblicatory 15 servers) . heh.

ragards, TC :)

11-02-2005, 10:58 PM
i tried a little quake arena, but it's not untill now I'm really gettin into it.. and holy .... ! this game is awesome! think I'll stick with it.
Only thing is that I suck, so I was kinda hoping for some advise from some of the quakewiseguys :).. 1 thing: the railgun- already becoming my fav weapon. But is it any good using the scope?`atm i got it placed at right MB, but im really not sure if its any good at all? and another question: if anyone wanna do some namedropping on some good servers ill be very grateful, cuz it seems a bit hard to sort out a 1000 servers. :) (thinking of sams oblicatory 15 servers) . heh.

ragards, TC :)
Quake 4 right?
It's still not as perfected as Quake 3, but it's better than ssam. :P
GM has a server so if you wanna play just PM me. :)

EDIT: The rail's zoom sens and feel need to be adjusted, right not its not very useful. Machinegun has a scope though and it can do alot more damage if its zoomed it.

11-03-2005, 08:58 PM
Um, I never use the scope on the rail gun. Just practice with it and soon you'll be very accurate with it. Just requires some aiming and prediction.

11-04-2005, 08:55 PM
yup love it allso, but it really needs a change of behaviour.... Just put a finger on the firebutton and never release it again :D

And just had the first victory :rolleyes:

He Is Legend
11-05-2005, 02:03 AM
learn the hopping skill quick, while jumping, barly move your mouse to the left while in the air, then land and do it to the right barrly

and it will give you a huge speed boost

to answer your question no the zoom does not help

as soon as i get my computer back up charger ill show you performance and game wise to greatly improve your skill

just pm me

11-05-2005, 05:43 PM
Yeah, bunny hopping is pretty old. I wished the MG was as effective as it was in Q3. So much fun shooting guys and making them fall off the map :D Also, I recommend you use the dot as your crosshair as it improves your accuracy. At least, IMO it helps.

Black Rose
11-05-2005, 09:05 PM
respawning sucks... it needs too much time.. quake 3 was much better,
and the models suck bad.. no female model :bawling: