View Full Version : From the Penthouse to the Outhouse

11-15-2005, 12:34 AM
Last year Kurt Busch wins the Nextel Cup Championship, Kurt is 1 on the 10 drivers to make "The Chase for the Championship" this year. Kurt jumped ship on the owner that gave him his break Jack Roush and signed to drive Roger Penske's Dodges next year taking over for Rusty Wallace who is retiring. Well he thinks all is right in his world ....

Up until he gets pulled over Friday night and is charged with Reckless Driving in Phoenix, namely Maricopa County, home of the famous sheriff Joe Arpaio. That is the sheriff that keeps inmates in tent cities, makes them wear pink underwear and lets them watch cable TV and only because the ACLU got on him, so he got them cable TV, he got them two channels, The Weather Channel and The Disney Channel. ;)

Back to Kurt, The IDIOT calls the officers "Wimps" pulls out his license and NASCAR credentials and remarks "Do you know who I am?" and "You are making a big mistake". The officers smell alcohol ...... well just read the story, it's both pretty interesting and fishy to say the least once you factor in the "broken" blood/alcohol machine. I guess they could only afford one in that county with all the money the sheriff is saving them. Anyways he gets off without a DUI. :hmmm:


Buuuuut the story does not end there, a few days later, in fact Sunday, THE morning of the race his sponsors Crown Royal, Sharpie and Irwin are fed up with being embarrassed and pressure his car owner into suspending him for the final two races of the year and stick a substitute driver in there for that race and next week's race the final ones of the year. BTW this is this the first year that NASCAR has allowed a hard liquor company like Crown Royal to sponsor a race car.


11-15-2005, 12:48 AM
Ooops I forgot, to make the weekend even stranger, his younger brother ended up winning the race yesterday.

11-15-2005, 02:16 AM
It's too bad...I feel sorry for Jack...he gets screwed by Nascar w/ the team limit thing early in the week, and this crap finishes the week out for him.

I've lost my respect for Kurt, I can tell you that. :down:

11-15-2005, 05:24 AM
Check out all of the threads that pertain to this. All of the ones with Kurt (KB), Jack, Roger, Kyle, Miller Lite, 97, etc ... in the titles apply, they had deleted some of the stupid ones, but there were 14 this afternoon and probably ever more now. Stupid ass people can't stick to a few threads and the Mods finally gave up. :rolleyes:

Check out this whopper thread from NASCAR.com, this is one thread and was started only yesterday and currently has 2393 replies. :eek:

11-15-2005, 05:45 AM
Ummm, this is what makes pro "sports" look bad... Bad example for fans and bad sportsmanship...:down: PS. NASCAR is not a sport IMO, it goes right along with the "World Series of Poker" and Pool shooters. I'm sorry but as much as I love Pool, I do not consider it a sport...:mad:

11-17-2005, 12:44 PM
+3 for Thundar :P

Die Hard
11-17-2005, 12:58 PM
I have to disagree with Thundarr.

Racing drivers have to be incredibly fit not only mentally but also physically. They have to endure very heavy G’s for the entire race and any fighter pilot will tell you how hard that is.

Then of course they have to put in an enormous amount of practice and testing both during and pre season.

So, Motor racing is most definitely a sport. :)

11-17-2005, 03:28 PM
ESPN is just one of the many stations that is dedicated to reporting news about sports, ESPN reports on NASCAR just as all of the others do right along with all of their other stick and ball sports reports, therefore .... it is a sport.