View Full Version : Video Games Explode onto MTV

11-16-2005, 12:24 AM

"Video Games Explode onto MTV, MTV2, mtvU, MTV.COM, MTV NEWS, mtvU UBER and MTV Overdrive During First Ever 'GameORZ' Week"

Quote on quote from the article itself:
'"Video games are at the forefront of our audience's daily lives just like music, fashion and movies," said Christina Norman, President, MTV. "'GameORZ Week' will be a multiplatform entertainment experience for gamers that will showcase the touch points where music, stars, and video games intersect with youth culture."'

First off I want to say that I do not have cable TV or plan on getting it anytime soon (if ever). We've had Digital Cable TV from Comcast and the lack of good programs was very dissapointing. Long story short we had cable for a while and got rid of it simply because its not worth the money. The last thing that I can remember is that MTV sucked, MTV2 was ok and they did show some good music videos but for the most part it was repeats of crappy R&B or rap.

I also think its pretty disguisting how our culture has become so centered around these MTV 'idols' who barely know how to actually write their own music. With today's video and audio editing methods it has become increasingly easy to "mask" these artists and create an artificical talent for them. I do respect video and audio editors and the producers responsible for putting out the things that are show on MTV, but I think our generation is too centered around these images of fame and fortune which lead to broken dreams and a corrupt view on society. From my point of view I'd rather read a good book than watch MTV. Because MTV doesn't educate it corrupts minds.

Anyway I think adding video games and pro-gaming coverage to MTV's programming line-up is a breath of fresh air. Possibly this may lead to an expansion in the gaming community and people will find that picking up a controller and playing some 1v1 basketball is alot better than dealing drugs out on the street. At least gaming is something attainable even though it can be a temporary parting from reality. This could also lead to some unwanted rivailries in both the online gaming world and the gaming industry. Think advertisement people, if MTV fully endorses gaming and sales dramatically increase there will be a push for advertising products which isn't something I look foward to.

I am all about promoting gaming as an e-sport, something more than just a hobby and even though I have been gaming less over the past few months I still find that playing a game against some e-pals beats any hobby out there. But what do you guys think?

Also this is displayed somewhere on MTV.com, just not right on the front page. :P

Probably the most interesting part. (http://www.mtv.com/games/video_games/monthly_features/gaming_week_05/cpl.jhtml)

Caged Anger
11-16-2005, 03:45 AM
here here :thumbs:

11-16-2005, 03:53 AM
You make some valid points Exe. I don't have G4 so it will be good to see some computer related shows on TV .... even if I have to go to music related station to see it.

I remember back when ESPN just showed sports, HBO showed just movies and MTV actually played music videos. Oh how times have changed.

Dangerous Dan
11-16-2005, 06:44 AM
You make some valid points Exe. I don't have G4 so it will be good to see some compuer related shows on TV ....

you'd think so, but then you'd actually watch them, and realize how horribly uninformed the hosts were, and how biased the coverage is.

11-16-2005, 08:17 PM
Point is that if this doesn't launch successfully, no one will get really upset. Gaming is still too small for mass coverage, at least thats what I think based on speculation.

11-16-2005, 08:56 PM
Meh, I don't really care. I don't have G4 but watched it a little bit at my uncle's house, it sucks horribly and is incredibly boring.

11-16-2005, 09:07 PM
Meh, I don't really care. I don't have G4 but watched it a little bit at my uncle's house, it sucks horribly and is incredibly boring.
And the fact that they cover the ****tiest games on the market that are aimed for 10 year olds kinda pisses me off too. The interviews only show how completely uninformed they are. Competitive gaming is the only base MTV will really have to get people to like it. Might take a long time but these things tend to anyway.

11-16-2005, 09:29 PM
I was interested, right up till the point where MTVUber said that i need IE to watch their crap. Thanks anyway. :P

11-16-2005, 11:29 PM
I was interested, right up till the point where MTVUber said that i need IE to watch their crap. Thanks anyway. :P
Yea I tried watching it too, but since its a pretty high-quality stream you would need a helluva fast connection to watch it playback smoothly without having to wait for the whole thing to load.

By the looks of it, the approach MTV is taking is not too different from that of G4. Worhtless news about games coming out with a big focus on the upcoming consoles (xbox360) nothing at all interesting except for the fact that they will be hosting the CPL World Tour Final stop.

I say lets keep the gamers and games off the TV and on the internet where they are much more interesing.

11-17-2005, 01:04 AM
Meh, I don't really care. I don't have G4 but watched it a little bit at my uncle's house, it sucks horribly and is incredibly boring.

Before G4 bought out TechTV (and in the first few months after the merge) there was a lot of good stuff. There was 1 game review show (X-Play, which is fairly good most of the time), and most of the shows focused on emerging technology, pc maintence/upgrading and stuff.

I learned a TON of stuff watching ScreenSavers and Call For Help.

G4 just killed the station altogether. They took all the knowledgeable, experienced hosts and replaced them w/ 20 year old "gamers" that for the most part are completely incompetent...the station has become more SpikeTV than anything.

The main guy that owns the station just got canned, though, so hopefully they try to pull back to the older style and the quality goes back up!

11-17-2005, 01:19 AM
Yeah Screensavers was great back when CNet had it. Leo Laporte was a great host.

11-17-2005, 01:41 AM
Yeah Screensavers was great back when CNet had it. Leo Laporte was a great host.

Definitely. Of all the peeps that got canned, I miss him the most. His podcasts are quite excellent.

11-17-2005, 02:14 AM
Yea I tried watching it too, but since its a pretty high-quality stream you would need a helluva fast connection to watch it playback smoothly without having to wait for the whole thing to load.

By the looks of it, the approach MTV is taking is not too different from that of G4. Worhtless news about games coming out with a big focus on the upcoming consoles (xbox360) nothing at all interesting except for the fact that they will be hosting the CPL World Tour Final stop.

I say lets keep the gamers and games off the TV and on the internet where they are much more interesing.

8 mbits, making up to the rest of the world the 6 years i've been on cable. Yeah, I think the idea of gamers being more of an underground thing and most people not really getting into it makes it more fun :P Some random hot chick yelled out "BOOM HEADSHOT" in my history class the other day, however. :P

11-17-2005, 03:08 AM
8 mbits, making up to the rest of the world the 6 years i've been on cable. Yeah, I think the idea of gamers being more of an underground thing and most people not really getting into it makes it more fun :P Some random hot chick yelled out "BOOM HEADSHOT" in my history class the other day, however. :P
ROFL. We had this very high spirited senior kid in out class a couple years back and he would say things like "I'm gonna AWP you" completely out of context. That is a CD reference and he himself did not play but he watched one of his friends once. It was very funny and I think I was the only person in the class to laugh out loud.