View Full Version : Quake4 1.0.04 Patch

11-16-2005, 08:05 PM
get it now


11-16-2005, 08:11 PM
Patch notes now!

11-16-2005, 08:14 PM
This patch is crap and only fixed the in-game browser issues. Looks like Raven is ignoring anything MP gamepley related. But the SDK was also released along with this which will allow for modders to fix the issues in the game and develop completely new mods.

So some bad an some good news. :)

Link to SDK if anyone is interested. ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake4/source/win32/Quake4_1.0_SDK.exe

11-17-2005, 05:33 PM
This patch is crap and only fixed the in-game browser issues. Looks like Raven is ignoring anything MP gamepley related. But the SDK was also released along with this which will allow for modders to fix the issues in the game and develop completely new mods.

So some bad an some good news. :)

Link to SDK if anyone is interested. ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake4/source/win32/Quake4_1.0_SDK.exe

from idsoftware.com: "We are also working on a larger, required update that will address a broader range of reported issues in both multiplayer and single player."

this patch also has removed cd check

11-17-2005, 08:01 PM
from idsoftware.com: "We are also working on a larger, required update that will address a broader range of reported issues in both multiplayer and single player."

this patch also has removed cd check
I still wouldn't call this a patch, more of a quick-fix which wasn't really necessary. I still have several issues witht the game itself. Oh well I can wait. :D

01-20-2006, 03:33 AM
That first link is broken now and most place require you to sign up, but not at this one.

01-20-2006, 08:50 PM
That first link is broken now and most place require you to sign up, but not at this one.

better site: http://quake4.filefront.com