View Full Version : Quake 4 Serves back up

11-21-2005, 03:51 PM
Did you say instagib?

Guy’s I figured out away to create bat files to start and run the servers. They seem to be holding up and not crashing. I also found an instagib server mod and I am running that as well same IP and pass use port 28008
Hers the info on the mod. You can download it here.


Q4GIB is a Quake IV Instagib Multiplayer mod by dUMBIe - http://q4gib.dumbie.net
You can contact me at the Q4GIB forum at http://q4gibforum.dumbie.net
;;--- Mod description -------------------
Q4GIB is a simple Quake IV Instagib mod that's Railgun based,
All weapon, items, ammo and power up spawns are disabled only the Haste power up
spawn isn't disabled, This mod should work with all maps and game types available.
;;--- Installation Notes -------------------
_Client side
Unzip or Install this mod into your Quake IV root folder and run 'Start_Q4GIB.bat' to play.
If you used the installer you can also use the shortcut created on your desktop to play
_Server side
Unzip or Install this mod into your Quake IV root folder and open
'Start_DED_Server_Q4GIB.bat' with notepad and change the ip and port.
When you have done this go to the 'q4gib' folder and open 'q4gib-server.cfg'
Change the server config to how you want it and save and close it, Go back to your root folder
and launch 'Start_DED_Server_Q4GIB.bat' now the server should be starting and should work properly
Unzip this mod into your Quake IV root folder,
When you have done this go to the 'q4gib' folder and open 'q4gib-server.cfg'
Change the server config to how you want it and save and close it, Now simply run the server by using:
'./quake4-dedicated +set fs_game q4gib +exec q4gib-server.cfg'
;;--- ToDo -------------------
- Fix: Unknown weapon 'weapon_machinegun' console error (No solution I can think of without SDK)
- Wait for the Q4 SDK release so I can make this mod even a little better... I hope
;;--- Changelog -------------------
- Added a Q4GIB splash loading screen
- Added +disconnect and +set com_allowConsole 1 to the startup bat file
- Changed the main menu layout
- Changed the Multiplayer loading screen (Special thanks to Preatorian for this)
- Changed default HP on spawn stats to 150
- Updated the string table for the new main menu
- Fixed returnmp and disconnect mouse over graphic/sound bug
- Fixed chrashes with custom maps, especialy the weapon error chrashes
- Fixed the Quake 4 icon so it's fully transparant (not white)
- Cleaned the player.def file, deleted some things that are only required for SP
* Added the server config into the client so you don't need the dedicated server config anymore
* Added "gamename "Q4GIB v1.**" to the server config and removed si_version
* Changed si_maxPlayers to 8 players maximum, the most maps are to small for 16 players
- Fixed some little things that caused problems in the mainmenu.gui
- Fixed Mainmenu missing Q4GIB text without +nologo
- Removed +nologo from the bat file it caused problems for some people
- Removed more unused single player things from the mainmenu.gui
- Disabled the Intro's in the mainmenu.gui file
- Updated the summary score tab so it shows only the accuracy of the Railgun
- Removed unused Single player menus from mainmenu.gui
- Updated the Quake4.ico it's a clone of the official version now
- Updated the Q4GIB Menu "text" logo to "Q4GIB - Instagib Mod"
- Fixed Mainmenu MP menu (Added custom Return MP, Disconnect button)
- Added mod list description
- Remade player.def
- Fixed mphud.gui line 9 error
- Fixed mainmenu.gui errors
- Fixed Ammo/Items/Powerups/Weapons spawnclass errors in console
- Optimized the .pk4 file
- Added MOD description in the Readme.txt file
- Updated String with some more custom text
- Updated the main menu
- Releasing this mod in two versions (Zipped/Installer)
- Changed the MP Menu hud Accuracy stats
- Fixed missing weapon model at the player model select screen
- For now ignore the missing weapon error in the console when you die
- First final release with the most things tested and working!
- Deleted def_dropitem at Railgun.def now it should not drop anymore
- Made the Railgun not drop when you are dead (Not tested)
- Fixed haste now spawning
- Updated item.def now REALLY all items don't spawn
- Modified Accuracy menu ("Z" key) so it only shows Railgun
- Removed Railgun spawn it was making your client chrash on pickup
- Disabled all weapon spawns except Railgun
- Disabled all power up spawns except haste
- Added ammo.def/items.def to disable Ammo/Item spawn
- Made the menu text a little higher
v0.10 (Remake)
- Remade Q4GIB, now there ain't that much bugs left to fix
- Updated the Main menu gui it's done for now
- Disabled all weapons except for Railgun
- Fixed the Railgun hud colour bug
- Removed custom map scripts they ain't used anymore
- Changed the Railgun back to WeapID 7 (Should really fix the accuracy problem)
- Added +nologo to the bat starter
- Started working on a new main menu
- Fixed Accuracy/Stats menu for Railgun
- Added flashlight in SP to Railgun
- Changed back the railgun at single player
- Modified menu text for Single Player
- Removed unused script commands
- Fixed Railgun MP hud
- First public test release
- Fixed that you only spawn with a Railgun
- Removed first start weapon so it doesn't switch to Railgun
- Disabled all other weapons but you can still see the spawns
- Added default weapon Railgun
- Added Unlimited ammo to Railgun
- Removed Splash Damage from the Railgun (Wasn't working)
- Removed "min_ammo_railgun" (Wasn't working)
- Removed weapon spawn and added default weapon railgun
- Modified the menu text and layout for Q4GIB
- Changed default ammo to 999 and minimum to 999
- Railgun damage changed to 9999

Enjoy Frag :D

Still no bots yet :confused: you will need a friend to play :thumbs:

11-21-2005, 08:22 PM
Their site seems to be down atm. But I'm glad you got the server back. We should be seeing a good amount of mods since the SDK has been released so hopefully we will be able to play with all of the weapons and emjoy it.