View Full Version : Wisdom Teeth

Mad Fox
11-24-2005, 01:10 AM
I had mine extracted today! Anyone want to share some stories.

11-24-2005, 01:29 AM
had 3 removed in January, bled for 12 hrs straight :thumbs:

11-24-2005, 01:38 AM
Had mine taken out several years ago. Went back to get the stitches removed. Nurse started to leave the room after removing stitches from 3 of the gaping holes and I asked her if she was going to remove the last one.
She looked at the chart and said the last hole didn't have any stitches. I told her that according to my tounge there was something there. She prodded around and found a piece of bone(tooth?) sticking out. She couldn't remove it so she called the Oral Surgeon in. He tried tugging for a while and finally got out the biggest pair of hemostats I've ever seen (looked like an industrial sized vice grips) and got a hold of the little bugger. With one hand on the stats and the other against my face he finally yanked the bone fragment (can you say iceburg) out of my gum......bled like a stuck pig. He crammed some gauze in my mouth and left. Thank God for pain killers.

11-24-2005, 02:54 AM
Thank God for pain killers.
enjoy the pain pills, I did:cool: , I actually went out partying the next night after I had my done.:jammin:

Caged Anger
11-24-2005, 03:38 AM
lol good stories

11-24-2005, 04:43 AM
I layed on the couch moaning. I asked my mom more than once to kill me.

My brother pulled his 2 years later, never even took a pain pill, never sore at all.

I wanted to die when mine came out...I wanted to kill him when his came out.

11-24-2005, 05:17 AM
I had all 4 pulled at the same time, 2 regular and 2 impacted. Crashed for like 2 days over at Chico's crib, he had 3 honeys sharing a house with him, so I got waited on hand and foot. I highly suggest this technique! I loved them Percodans while they lasted and asked ol' doc for some more but got DENIED! :D

Black Rose
11-24-2005, 06:35 AM
I had all 4 pulled at the same time, 2 regular and 2 impacted. Crashed for like 2 days over at Chico's crib, he had 3 honeys sharing a house with him, so I got waited on hand and foot. I highly suggest this technique! I loved them Percodans while they lasted and asked ol' doc for some more but got DENIED! :D

:rofl: had the same like you Sho, except the "Chico" part of course :P

Die Hard
11-24-2005, 10:02 AM
I went to see a friend of mine once in hospital the day after he had the Wisdom teeth removed. He looked like a horse had kicked him in the face!

Good luck :thumbs:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
11-24-2005, 12:09 PM
I still have my wisdom. My dentist has suggested that I have them pulled.
I have suggested that he take a flying leap through a rolling doughnut. :)

Mad Fox
11-24-2005, 12:09 PM
Well, it is time for me to share my story. I went to the Oral surgeon and was put under anesthetic for the procedure. When I awoke my mom claims that I was laughing and crying. I don't remember. When I got home I took a nice 2 1/2 hour nap. When i awoke my mouh was throbbing like a heartbeat. I then decided that I would take some of that pain medication. Well, let me tell you it is the est thing ever invented. I hardly feel a thing.

The most uncomfortable part of the whole ordeal is he swelling which is annoying. And the occasonal taste of blood.

Die Hard
11-24-2005, 12:11 PM
OK enough already! I was eating when I read that :P

11-24-2005, 03:29 PM
I had all 4 yanked at the same time about 8 years ago, it sucked. Those handy dissolving stitches were OK for me, but my pain meds, Vicodin turned me into a raving b*tch, my poor mom...:( I would've taken Percodan any day over that nasty stuff!

11-24-2005, 04:58 PM
Well, it is time for me to share my story. I went to the Oral surgeon and was put under anesthetic for the procedure. When I awoke my mom claims that I was laughing and crying. I don't remember. When I got home I took a nice 2 1/2 hour nap. When i awoke my mouh was throbbing like a heartbeat. I then decided that I would take some of that pain medication. Well, let me tell you it is the est thing ever invented. I hardly feel a thing.

The most uncomfortable part of the whole ordeal is he swelling which is annoying. And the occasonal taste of blood.

I guess mom said that they gave me the gas, then there was a few minutes before they started pulling...I guess I was giggling and laughing and making the dumbest jokes ever. :)

Part of the problem for me that made it so hard is that pain medicine doesn't help me...I took vicodin as often as I could, and it didn't stop the pain at all.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
11-24-2005, 06:11 PM
My wife has worked in the dental field for 15 years. She has shared many stories. The things that stick in my mind (about wisdom teeth) are her comments concerning mishaps.
Jaws snapping. Pieces of bone breaking off with the tooth. The doctor using a mallet and chisel. Bruises in the shape of the doctor's hand on the sides of peoples faces. Patients vomiting durring surgery. Heart attacks.......would you like me to continue? :)

Oh, I forgot to mention, the reason why they like to pull all of them in one visit, is because if you only had one pulled, chances are you wouldn't return to have the others pulled.

11-24-2005, 06:25 PM
hehe after reading all those stories i'm glad my mouth is big enough so mine can stay :P

11-24-2005, 06:29 PM
Well, it is time for me to share my story. I went to the Oral surgeon and was put under anesthetic for the procedure. When I awoke my mom claims that I was laughing and crying. I don't remember. When I got home I took a nice 2 1/2 hour nap. When i awoke my mouh was throbbing like a heartbeat. I then decided that I would take some of that pain medication. Well, let me tell you it is the est thing ever invented. I hardly feel a thing.

The most uncomfortable part of the whole ordeal is he swelling which is annoying. And the occasonal taste of blood.

you had to put some ice on it after surgery :eek:

11-24-2005, 06:38 PM
Had two of them surgical removed, they grew around my jaw :eek: .
This dental surgeon gave me a shot in my jaw, put the suring :confused: down and started cutting and hacking :D . I heard incredible sounds of braking :eek: . i thought he would tear my jaw apart.

After this job they stitched it up, but some tampons in my mouth and i good go.

Had to pass the waitingroom and with the blood dripping from the corners i gave those waiting a BIG smile. Must have been a horrific look, but made my day. :D

Asian Invasian
11-24-2005, 08:22 PM
hehe after reading all those stories i'm glad my mouth is big enough so mine can stay :P
HAHAHAHAH agreed! amen

Die Hard
11-25-2005, 09:08 AM
Had to pass the waitingroom and with the blood dripping from the corners i gave those waiting a BIG smile. Must have been a horrific look, but made my day. :DOh that made me blow my coffee down my nose!! :rofl:

11-25-2005, 02:42 PM
Had all four of mine out at the same time too..:thumbs:

3 were no problem, the 4th they had to blast.. the oral surgeon gave me somethin to take the edge off, I don't know what it was but I wish I could get my hands on some more !! :D :) I remember looking down at that bib they put on me, it was covered with blood, teeth fragments, etc..and I just laughed !! Then I got a nice down-blouse from his assistant/tech and it made it all OK by me.

Few days later my wife and I went out to dinner..I stuck with soft foods so I ordered clam chowder..Well, I found a piece of a shell in the soup, bit down on it right where the teeth were...doh ! Really made some friends there !!! :funny:

The Crimson Centurion
11-25-2005, 03:02 PM
38 years old in 2 weeks and I got all my teeth...

no extractions, bridges, root canals, wisdom teeth removal ...nada...


Die Hard
11-25-2005, 03:04 PM
Me neither and I've got 4 years on you :P

Mad Fox
12-01-2005, 09:40 PM
38 years old in 2 weeks and I got all my teeth...

no extractions, bridges, root canals, wisdom teeth removal ...nada...

Well there is nothing really wrong with getting your wisdom teeth out. For me it was a prevenative measusre. When i had braces on my teeth i had an appliance on the top of my mouth that you had to put a key into and turn. Esstianally it was breaking the roof of my mouth each night to make my mouth symmetric. When it did this the wisom teeth really didnt move so I had to have them out to prevent crowding of my teeth

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
12-02-2005, 05:13 AM
I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed at once. They were all impacted, and I was sedated with an Intravenous medication that totally knocked me out. My mom said I was laughing hysterically right before I finally went to sleep. I barely remember the ride home from the office, and crashed at home for about 4 hours afterwards. I never had any pain afterwards, but the stitches really freaked my tongue out feeling something so strange in my mouth. In all, it was the best dental procedure I ever had done. I hate the sound of drills! :down: Rock on IV sedation! :thumbs:

Dangerous Dan
12-02-2005, 05:34 AM
ah yes, wisdom teeth... i'd rather not remember that week...

He Is Legend
12-02-2005, 06:45 AM
I dont remember much of what happened to my wisdon teeth, my mom woke me up and told me some awfull story of how she had hers takin out

Then scared as fudge (mom ), i talked with jim bean..that helped 3%

Then when i got to the place, they laid me down and stuck 2 needles in my gums, and they put a shot in my arm, after about 10 minutes my whole body was numb, but i could still feel my jaw perfect, they stuck me with 3 more needles..total of 5 shots in my gums and i could still feel it a little bit, but not enough to hurt

i didnt fall asleep (Weird), but since i didnt, the shots lasted all day, and the Loritabs wont that bad either

That was Chaotics story, :]