View Full Version : Is The Myth

He Is Legend
11-24-2005, 04:56 PM
True that Marlboro, Newport, and any other menthol ciggerate contains fiber glass in the filters?

I have been told some things, that only newports have them, that marlboro and newports are the only ones thath have them

I've been told its true and a myth that isnt true

anyone know the 411 on that?

11-24-2005, 04:59 PM
In the midst of hundreds of toxic chemicals, you're concerned that one specific thing is in there? :rolleyes:

11-24-2005, 06:10 PM
hundreds? wow you're pretty optimistic lol more like thousands

He Is Legend
11-25-2005, 01:03 AM

The Crimson Centurion
11-25-2005, 02:13 AM
stick with weed :D


11-25-2005, 02:45 AM
I know I am just wasting my time but here goes ..... Give up smoking NOW!

I smoked menthols for over 20 years and put them down, you can too! Go get you some Commit lozenges or some patches and do whatever you have to do to quit. My dad is hanging in there with 5% of his lung capacity and is of course on oxygen. The medicine is over $2000 a month and you though the cost of a pack of cigarettes was high, trust me, you have not F'ing idea of the 'final' cost! :rolleyes:

Being as it's Thanksgiving, do you know what i've got to thankful for? That he was here 1 more year.

He Is Legend
11-25-2005, 04:21 AM
When I get out of this house of pms and yelling, then you will see nicorete going up a percent in sales.

I hate smoking, it just keeps me from throwing my face on a cement floor.....repediatly..

Die Hard
11-25-2005, 08:57 AM
Hey Chao, if you, can buy the book 'The Easy Eay to Stop Smoking' by Alan Carr. Really it works. I know 4 people personally that stopped after reading it.

It is good because it explores the reasons why YOU think you smoke and then blows them away. :thumbs:

11-25-2005, 04:35 PM
Yeah if you can get past some of the urge triggers that make you want to smoke by saying no to the urges, it sure helps. The next time it gets easier and the next time easier yet. I still get moments 3 years later where a urge for a cigarette will just pop into my head and at the weirdest moments too, but I kind of giggle about them now because I know I beat them.

The main thing is, you have got to want to quit. Stop making excuses or setting time periods or that stuff. Just say F it and start trying to stop. I took the 4mg lozenges (never dropped down to the 2mgs) and starting off keep one in your mouth pretty much all of the time and for the first week or so I would smoke a half a cigarette and put it out and save the other half for the next time. Over the next two-three weeks, It got down to a single drag and I would put it out. Before you know it, you are strong enough to where you can so NO to them completely and just continue with the lozenges for a while. I've kicked alcohol's a$$, i've kicked drug's a$$ and i've kicked cigarettes' a$$, all within a few years of each other and now i'm working of my weight problem. It's not easy, but trust me, you are stronger than they are and you can do it!

BTW The package says a lozenge should last about 20 minutes or so in your mouth, that was a wrong, mine lasted for more like 1.5-2.0 hours so your get more mileage out of them than they say you do. IIRC a package of Commits is like $32.00 so that's even cheaper than the cost of cigarettes for a month.

11-25-2005, 09:36 PM
Here are a few answer for you, Chaotic:

http://www.netwellness.org/question.cfm/15867.htm - "There was a rumor at one time, but there is no evidence."

http://www.snopes.com/business/alliance/menthol.asp - "No, nor are they involved in a plot to wipe out African Americans." (this is from urban legends - far as I'm concerned, question answered.)

11-25-2005, 09:41 PM
Yeah if you can get past some of the urge triggers that make you want to smoke by saying no to the urges, it sure helps. The next time it gets easier and the next time easier yet. I still get moments 3 years later where a urge for a cigarette will just pop into my head and at the weirdest moments too, but I kind of giggle about them now because I know I beat them.

The main thing is, you have got to want to quit. Stop making excuses or setting time periods or that stuff. Just say F it and start trying to stop. I took the 4mg lozenges (never dropped down to the 2mgs) and starting off keep one in your mouth pretty much all of the time and for the first week or so I would smoke a half a cigarette and put it out and save the other half for the next time. Over the next two-three weeks, It got down to a single drag and I would put it out. Before you know it, you are strong enough to where you can so NO to them completely and just continue with the lozenges for a while. I've kicked alcohol's a$$, i've kicked drug's a$$ and i've kicked cigarettes' a$$, all within a few years of each other and now i'm working of my weight problem. It's not easy, but trust me, you are stronger than they are and you can do it!

BTW The package says a lozenge should last about 20 minutes or so in your mouth, that was a wrong, mine lasted for more like 1.5-2.0 hours so your get more mileage out of them than they say you do. IIRC a package of Commits is like $32.00 so that's even cheaper than the cost of cigarettes for a month.

Powerful story, SHO! Glad to hear you're planning on sticking around for a while :) :thumbs:

I grew up in a house that absolutely hated drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes, so I've had the blessing of growing up totally clean of all that stuff (the most I ever did was 1 puff of a cigarette for reasons that aren't clear to me to this day).

Resultantly, I've never been able to see the draw towards that stuff - it seems all it does is mess people up, so I always like hearing that someone was able to overcome it!