View Full Version : Uh-oh. Spaghettios!

11-24-2005, 05:07 PM

Microsoft...tsk tsk.

solid snake295
11-25-2005, 06:53 AM

after getting suckerd into buying halo2, i decided that xbox and all things xbox were garbage. I knew the 360 would be a huge dissapointment in some way. they should rename it to POS-360. go DIAF microsoft. kthnx. :P

11-30-2005, 10:03 PM
That's why I do not trust consoles at launch any longer. Not that I was interested in anything Xbox anyway, but I think its kinda funny to see this kinda **** happen to poor gamers that shelled out top dollar for their system. Hey, I bought 3 PS2's b4 I finally hit pay dirt on one that works. I'm sure most of those people are going 2 go right out and buy more Xbox 360's once they realize the ones they payed 4 in the 1st place won't work. The only people to never dissapoint me on a launch system was good ol' Nintendo. Maybe companies should make sure their products work b4 selling them that would be nice.