View Full Version : Good Book to Read

11-26-2005, 12:41 AM
Ok guys what would be a good conspiracy book to read, something that has to do with CIA, NSA etc or something in that nature?

I just finish reading Deception Point by Dan Brown who is the author of the Da Vinci Code and so on. BTW I heard that they maybe making a moving on it which should be interesting.

I need to get a new book to read while I go to work because I hate reading news paper that is repetitive and boring.

Anyway I need to get a book to read and not a history books please I just finish reading a bunch of books on World War 2, Rome and so on and like to find something pleasurable instead by taking a break from historical books of that nature etc.


11-26-2005, 01:31 AM
Hmmm...i read a lot, but sounds like I read a different vein of novel than you...I don't know a lot of conspiracy books; however, I do highly recommend anything of the law books that John Grisham does...The Firm has some good conspiracy stuff in it, though not @ the government level. I find all his stuff to be pretty good reads.

Other than that, I love Crichton's stuff too, but that's not at all the kind of stuff you're asking about.

I imagine clancy's stuff would be up your alley, but i've never read any of it.

11-26-2005, 01:52 AM
Not really a conspiracy book along the lines of CIA, NSA, etc... but I just finished " Fast Food Nation " by Eric Schlosser. Tells all about the fast-food industry :eek:

Interesting read..makes ya wonder just what's in that Big Mac !! :confused:

11-26-2005, 07:05 AM
Not really a conspiracy book along the lines of CIA, NSA, etc... but I just finished " Fast Food Nation " by Eric Schlosser. Tells all about the fast-food industry :eek:

Interesting read..makes ya wonder just what's in that Big Mac !! :confused:


Good old Mac which I havn't eaten in a long time and probably never will hehehe.:D

11-26-2005, 07:26 AM
Hmmm...i read a lot, but sounds like I read a different vein of novel than you...I don't know a lot of conspiracy books; however, I do highly recommend anything of the law books that John Grisham does...The Firm has some good conspiracy stuff in it, though not @ the government level. I find all his stuff to be pretty good reads.

Other than that, I love Crichton's stuff too, but that's not at all the kind of stuff you're asking about.

I imagine clancy's stuff would be up your alley, but i've never read any of it.

I read a few of there books very good stuff and have been looking into it.

I will stop by a Book store tomorrow thx.:thumbs:

11-26-2005, 07:36 PM
hmm, its not exactly about conspyraci of goverment or something, but its very good, and army is also killing "innocent" ppl there. but heh, they are not very innocent, coz they have kind of ufo mushroom in their bodies. autor is stephen king and name of book is dreamcatcher. very good, indeed

11-26-2005, 09:00 PM
Prey by Michael Crighton is a good book.

Caged Anger
11-27-2005, 11:31 PM
I just finished Jarhead and found it to be an interesting read. (and very different from movie)

12-01-2005, 11:57 AM
Noble House by James Clavell is not really a conspiracy book, but its set in the early 60's with lots of early cold war elements and powerful people playing powerful dangerous games. So there's plenty of plotting and back stabbing and double agents involved.

Die Hard
12-01-2005, 12:36 PM
Prey by Michael Crighton is a good book.Yeah, I've read that too. Is that the one with the robotic flying microbes?