View Full Version : Difficult Items I am WTB or farm :)

12-01-2005, 12:21 AM
Pack's new template shouldn't be too hard :D


I am Looking for:

Summoner's Cloak (Silken Mantle)
Zahur Neck and Bracer (cheap enough on CMs)
Ring of Calm (was 51p on CM, ack)
Immo Ring (damn lol)

The Calm ring is supposed to be easier to farm after next patch. I heard Kattri is gettin nerfed and should be farmable easier then.

If anyone has these for sale, please tell. I've not seen any on CM's and would be willing to farm em with ya + whatever you might need :D


12-01-2005, 12:37 AM
Immolated rings are easy to farm we did a couple runs last week for peeps that needed them and ended up getting in a 7 hr span.

10 Rings
3 Bows
3 Blackened Wraps
10 Cloaks of the fire storm
3 Darkflame cloacks

We had it down to 17-20 Seconds a run.

ML10 Sorc or Necro can farm Zahur with a bot easily. So a ML 10 cabby should be able to also DS him down. Drop rate kinda sucks but beats buying it.

The patch is a few weeks away but I will give Katri a go at when it goes live but just keep in mind the Ring of the Calm has a low drop rate. She also gets buggie sometimes and you end up having to run all the way to entrance and zone before her bodyguards will leave her. They said they fixed it but they as you know Mythic never really fixes things LOL. But it is less buggie than it use to be.

The summoner's Cloak might be a different story. You might have to run a few raids yourself and claim this if it drops as your reward for running them.

Keep in mind also that Summoners hall is an RvR zone and people have been known to spy and go in there and ruin the raid.

12-01-2005, 01:15 AM
Keep in mind also that Summoners hall is an RvR zone and people have been known to spy and go in there and ruin the raid.

Where is this hall?? I have never heard of it.

12-01-2005, 04:31 AM
You zone through PoC to get there

12-01-2005, 06:10 AM
Ya Immo imo :) was prolly gonna be teh easiest followed by zahur.

I appreciate the input and will need to read up on zahur farmage lol

@25 matter atm my DS isnt as ubar as it could be, but if all else fails I can respec once or twice and get er done :P

I'll need to look up what else summoner drops to get a raid going, but that shouldn't be too hard either I'm hoping.

Thx again for the help

12-02-2005, 03:45 PM
Pack what Item doesnt drop anymore?

12-02-2005, 05:52 PM
Alllkahxam posted that Grand Summoner's Silken Mantle doesn't drop anymore.

After a more thorough search I found the Summoner's Silken Wrap which apparently drops with greater frequency. (one site said 5drop per Summoner kill, but that's kinda hard to believe) http://www.mygeorgiamountains.com/daoc/jewelery.htm

12-04-2005, 08:20 AM
We pwned Zahur twice and got a bracer AND a ring, and Dante gave Pack his necklace. :wootrock:

12-04-2005, 09:55 PM
Ya, it's all lookin good now. Thx for all your help

I'll farm immo sometime soon and have to set up a Summoner Hall raid in the future.

Atm I'm focused on getting the epic done and will then do the CLs.