View Full Version : Anyone else find this just wrong???

12-01-2005, 11:22 AM

First off, how do we "win" in Iraq? When they stop killing each other and have civilised elections like the UK and USA??

Organizers said 340 people paid $1,000 each to attend, and dozens of them paid $5,000 to get their photos taken with the president. The event raised more than $450,000 for Musgrave's re-election campaign next year.

Our President holds a "Speach" to defend his policy, but it's just a mask for a fund raiser? How freaking pathetic has our government become?

Musgrave has become controversial for her sponsorship of a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, and Bush praised her efforts.

"She's a strong supporter of the sanctity of marriage," Bush said. "She shares the same values as most people in Colorado."

Die Hard
12-01-2005, 11:34 AM
The ONLY way Iraq can get peace is to split the country into three autonomous Provinces.

A Kurd province in the North.
A Sunni Province in the Centre.
A Shi'ite Province in the South.

As for GWB and Tony Blair: :down: But we've been down this road before here and all that's coming is an argument :o

12-01-2005, 01:54 PM
dont know about that DH ;) cant argue with you there:thumbs:

non the less...... its to bad so many people of influence for good, have lost touch with the average peoples daily reality's and concerns for their and their peoples/familys future. Its still a game of who haves and who gets, while skirting the most basic of problems and issues that cause(s)/(d) them !!

12-01-2005, 02:31 PM
Build a dome over the entire country and lock the doors.

12-01-2005, 02:52 PM
Man, I know I'm gonna regret getting at all involved in this. Heh. I really hate getting into political discussions.

However, I couple things I hadda point out:

First off, how do we "win" in Iraq? When they stop killing each other and have civilised elections like the UK and USA??

Basically... yeah. :)

Our President holds a "Speach" to defend his policy, but it's just a mask for a fund raiser? How freaking pathetic has our government become?

If you'll read the tagline on the link you posted, it says it big giant letters:

President defends war policies at fundraiser for Musgrave in Denver


And as far as the quote about the gay marriage thing. Dude, it was a fundraiser for HER. Ya really think it's cool to show up as a guest of honor at a fundraiser for someone and start yelling 'You suck!'. snicker
However, Bush has come out before that he is against it, but that he will support whatever the Country votes in. Nothing wrong with someone having an opinion different than yours, is there?

Just wanted to point those out. Carry on! :D


12-01-2005, 02:59 PM
Basically... yeah. :)

LOL, and that's a achiveable goal? :rofl:

Bush supporting what the country wants is a joke! He'll do what makes money, he'll do what the rich wants, not "the country"

keep in mind, the press was pimping this "speech" for days more White House Propoganda