View Full Version : Yo Slice

12-01-2005, 09:58 PM
Did you get any money out of FEMA yet?
All they offered me was a loan.
The state on the other hand hooked me up with a weeks pay (which I gave to the red cross) and 400.00 bucks in foodstanps. I didn't ask for it but I sure as sh!t ain't gonna give it back.

Since I am posting I want to ask you a question....
Do you think that if FP&L put the wires underground except for maybe a few areas 99% of the power problems would have been solved in 2 to 3 days instead of a month.
Also how do you like the 20% increase we are gonna get next month?

12-01-2005, 10:54 PM
Did you get any money out of FEMA yet?
All they offered me was a loan.
The state on the other hand hooked me up with a weeks pay (which I gave to the red cross) and 400.00 bucks in foodstanps. I didn't ask for it but I sure as sh!t ain't gonna give it back.

Since I am posting I want to ask you a question....
Do you think that if FP&L put the wires underground except for maybe a few areas 99% of the power problems would have been solved in 2 to 3 days instead of a month.
Also how do you like the 20% increase we are gonna get next month?

I did not even bother with FEMA as they are as useless as the pet rock. We have FKEC down here not FP&L. I have to say that they kicked major ass after the hurricane. They had 90% of the power restored in a matter of days to all the Keys. I think they also had the rest back on line with in a week. FP&L had major infrastructure issues and quite obviously were not prepared for such a disaster. We will probably get a hike on power but nowhere near that percentage. To me that is just lame that FP&L would increase the price like that. They should be taking the money out of their own coffers and not from the people.

As far as putting the power underground I have mixed feelings on that. They certainly could not do it in areas that are prone to flooding like any of the coastal areas. In residential and commercial areas away from the flood zone it would make more sense yes. I can't believe that there are still areas with no power up there after a month.