View Full Version : sidi dec 16 8 pm est

12-04-2005, 10:52 PM
What: Sidi Raid

When: Friday December 16th @ 8:00 PM EST

Where: Meet @ Fort Gwyntell (Igraine)

Who: I (nibbert or soulcleaver of igraine) will have the bg and will try to have it up 1 hr before the start of the raid.

- Level 40+ Toons Please
- Theurgist wanted


/bg looting will not begin until we enter the dungeon

loto will be open

- Open(free for all) : you still must be 50 to roll on apoc loot and bp's but there will be no class restriction

- Ranodm 1000 LOW roll will win
- In the event of a tie the people who tied will random again untill there is a clear winner.

- 1 win per person until all on the raid have won something
- Bots can NOT roll
- Stones count as a win

Level Reqs:
50 for bp's and apoc loot
40+ for stones and other loot

lotto will be held on the docks in goth harbor-i if we fall or have the dungon respawn