View Full Version : Resident Evil 4

12-10-2005, 12:25 AM
Wow...just got this game yesterday for the PS2 and its great. The funnest I've had on the PS2 in an extremely long time. The only other RE I ever played was Code Veronica and I didn't really like it and didn't play it that much. I played a little bit of RE4 on the GC and I have to admit the graphics on the PS2 are a bit weaker. Less detailed, colorful, and vibrant. But that asides, I think the extras will make up for it.

Anyways, on the gameplay, it takes maybe 10 min to get used to but once you do it works well. You hold R1 to point your gun, left analog stick or directional pad to aim, right analog stick to control the camera, X to shoot, and square to reload. L1 is for knife and it controls the same besides the reload thing. A thing that I am dissapointed in is that you can't move while your shooting. If you could though, I guess it'd take away from the experience as the villagers (ganados) don't move too fast.

I am about 4 1/2 hours into it and it just keeps getting better. The boss fights are extremely fun. The game's difficulty ( I chose normal) is about average to hard. The game isn't frightening but still entertaining and exhilirating. I highly recommend this game!

12-10-2005, 12:34 AM
Yes, Capcom took a different path with this game in terms of gameplay and it was definitely for the better. The overall atmosphere is creepier and less linear. The missions and weapons are top notch and from what I've seen the cutscenes are also quite nice. RE5 is supposed to follow the RE4 formula with much better visuals and hopefully a longer gaming experince.

Although RE:Zero is not out for PS2 it also has some very cool and innovative features so get a Gamecube and enjoy them all dammit!

12-10-2005, 01:33 AM
I got a GC when it came out. Its been laying dead for a LOOOOONNNNGGG time. Gotta get around to buy Fire Emblem for it. I guess once I finish RE4 I'll get Zero.

Dangerous Dan
12-10-2005, 02:43 AM
I got a GC when it came out. Its been laying dead for a LOOOOONNNNGGG time. Gotta get around to buy Fire Emblem for it. I guess once I finish RE4 I'll get Zero.

I only have the GC, so naturally I picked up this GOTY candidate without hesitation - it seems but a distant yet unforgetable memory now :cool:

12-12-2005, 02:28 AM
With all the good reviews all been hearing about everyone saying of RE4, I am sure going to pick this one up.:thumbs:I am a big fan of the series.

I pick it up though after I am done with RE 0

Also the game is only $20 dollars so there is no reason for me not to pick up :D

12-12-2005, 03:12 AM
RE4 is only $20? It still costs $40...

12-12-2005, 07:43 PM
RE4 is only $20? It still costs $40...

The other day I went to my local Game Crazy and they had a brand new copy for $20 dollars :D

12-12-2005, 08:56 PM
Ah, what a waste of money. Oh well...

Grace Saunders
02-11-2006, 02:17 PM
I wouldn't say you wasted your money, SoulReaver. When Resident Evil 4 first came out, I'm sure some hardcore fans would have paid double for it, seeing as it took that long to be released in the first place.

As for GameCube owners, I'll bet they thought they were really cocky when Shinji Mikami announced the series was going to be exclusive to that format. GameCube owner's worst fears were confirmed round about the time Resident Evil Outbreak was released. It lead many fans to believe that the future of the series was in doubt, as far as Nintendo goes at least.

Well Resident Evil 4 is one hell of an action game, I'll say that. The series may have lost some of its magic as far as horror goes, but it has certainly alienated me enough to buy every future entry to the series, no matter what happens next. Of course, PS2 owners really are as happy as pigs in mud as far as games go. The PS2 hosts most of the best games available. :)

02-11-2006, 10:52 PM
Ahhh don't dig dead threads. Anyways, yeah I finished the game and I must say it was awesome. Very fun boss fights, though the last one was dissapointing. Mercenaries mode lasted me a couple of hours and was pretty fun too.

02-11-2006, 11:53 PM
This wasn't nearly as old as the other post you dug up, but the mods are gonna come crashing down if you keep bringing up these old posts.

Grace Saunders
02-12-2006, 01:48 PM
I had been gonna make a topic about the game until I noticed there was already a thread about it. Anyway, I was also gonna discuss the other games in the series, but lately all people seem to talk about is how great the fourth game is. Personally, I miss the style of the older Resident Evil games and wouldn't care if they went back to fixed cameras and zombies.