View Full Version : Recruitments for Gank group #2

12-22-2005, 07:52 PM
Pretty much wanting to know who wants to try to join us (doesnt have to be nightly, can be a couple nights a week) for running a dedicated FG. Group makeups do NOT have to be set, but we would prefer a balance.

So, list your toons you would like to have with the gank group and whats available. Which of these toons do you play the best?

After this post, and got a good idea of what classes were going to be dealing with alot, Im going to start posting possible group setups and strategies we will try to employ when out in RvR. Ill talk more about it when we get to that point, but for now, on with the class listing! :D

List best toon/preferred for gank, to worst/least preferred.
List name, class, RR, ML(path), and spec, and status with this toon, in that order please.

Borlac - Necro - R5L5 - ML9 convoker - 50 sight/20 pain - Best toon I play atm.
Ciadan - Sorc - 3L7 - ML6 Convoker - 39/37 body/mind - New toon, still learning the ropes but getting better.
Anaris - Cleric - 3L5(?) - ML5 Perfector - 40 enh/36 rejuv - Not completed template, but not very good at power consumption and single target heals.

Pretty much like that guys. If you dont post, dont think im counting you out, this is just to help me get a good idea of what options we have available. :D

12-30-2005, 03:15 PM
Send me a tell in game when you're looking for someone to run in your grp that night. I'm on most nights for a couple hours.

The info you wanted is listed in the sig below. I would want to play the following toons in this order. Theurg, Wiz, Cleric, Cabby. Theurg and Wiz are the only ones with completed templates though.