View Full Version : Apple IPODs

12-25-2005, 04:41 PM
I have used apples in the past (before the macs) and really enjoyed their stuff. Apple was a type of elite company. The original apple ][s were open systems, anyone could make cards and so forth to put in them. With the mac though, it became totally closed systems, and has continued for the most part until a few years ago, when they added USB. I always thought that Apple could have been Microsoft. They had a far superior product, if they would only have quit concentrating on the hardware, and instead put out the software for PCs, it would have been Jobs & Co living in that big ass house. That still may be the case if they make their OS X available to general PCs, (and add the ability to run windows apps). Anyway I have not cared for apple products after they started with the closed systems. All of the ipod phenomena was more of the same. But my daughter wanted one (a nano), had to have one. The stores everywhere have been sold out for the past two weeks. I know, I have looked. I finally bit the bullet, and told my daughter she could either have an mp3 player for Christmas, or an ipod after Christmas. She choose the ipod. I ordered it Wednesday from apple. It arrived on Saturday. I was shocked to say the least, especially considering Christmas and all of that. so I have to grudgingly admit, that despite all of their flaws in the past, apple has earned my respect. they are making tons of money off of the ipods, and they are doing that by putting out an excellent product. Using the device also.... very impressive. Also a very nice feature set. My daughter was able to load about 10 of her albums last night. She is becoming pretty computer savvy, but still that is impressive.

12-25-2005, 05:19 PM
Yes they are quite popular this year. I haven't yet made a habit of walking to school listening to music but i do own a pretty devent iRiver 256 MB one (doesn't get put to alot of use). Ipods are nice since they have things like games on them as well as a pretty cool interface and design. The only thing that is a bit sketchy about them is that battery life gets shorter over time and you would have to send your Ipod to Apple to have them replace it.

Asian Invasian
12-25-2005, 06:50 PM
everyone in my school has them, they are sick and well worth the money :)

12-25-2005, 07:20 PM
We caved and bought our daughter the nano. She loves it. I just worry that it's so small and she will lose it.
It has a very user friendly interface so even I can't mess it up.:thumbs:

12-25-2005, 08:40 PM
Yes they are quite popular this year. I haven't yet made a habit of walking to school listening to music but i do own a pretty devent iRiver 256 MB one (doesn't get put to alot of use). Ipods are nice since they have things like games on them as well as a pretty cool interface and design. The only thing that is a bit sketchy about them is that battery life gets shorter over time and you would have to send your Ipod to Apple to have them replace it.

Got some money from relatives last night, went out and bought the 1gb with the led screen. The thing that I don't like about all of these, is the DRM crap they try to feed you with, "You MUST use Windows Media 10 Series to put music on here!". I just drag/drop. :P

12-25-2005, 08:49 PM
No need for an Ipod. I did just buy me a Imac the smaller one so I can make a sorry attempt to get back into mixing and recording.

12-25-2005, 10:21 PM
They kick all other players ass period twice

Dangerous Dan
12-26-2005, 12:33 AM
i've been waiting for 3 years, but they finally have the product for me... boxing week here i come! [for a 30 gig ipod video] :D

Dangerous Dan
12-26-2005, 10:46 PM
sweet, got my iPod today :D

12-27-2005, 01:40 AM
Meh, the only thing I really like about iPods is the click wheel. The sound quality sucks and the battery life is just....normal. I have a Sony NW-HD5 and while I must say iPods look a lot a better, especially the screen, the HD5 has much more battery life. I can go for around 20-30 hours before having to recharge it.

12-27-2005, 02:41 AM
Meh, the only thing I really like about iPods is the click wheel. The sound quality sucks and the battery life is just....normal. I have a Sony NW-HD5 and while I must say iPods look a lot a better, especially the screen, the HD5 has much more battery life. I can go for around 20-30 hours before having to recharge it.

What exactly do you do during the night? (maybe I shouldn't ask that...:P) I mean, within a 24 hour span, most people SLEEP! While sleeping, charging can commence...

How often are you really listening for 20 hours straight and that battery life *really* comes into play?

Dangerous Dan
12-27-2005, 03:32 AM
I've got roughtly 14 hours battery life on the 30 gig, more than enough for what I'm going to use it for - although the 60 gig model has a 20 hour battery life (just goes to show how they try to make the tiers more appealingby scaling back on what should be inexpensive batteries in the first place)

12-27-2005, 07:35 AM
wow man.. that sounds awfully cool. i just hope i can get my stupid Xbox 360 sometime soon. stupid supply shortages.

12-27-2005, 06:02 PM
What exactly do you do during the night? (maybe I shouldn't ask that...:P) I mean, within a 24 hour span, most people SLEEP! While sleeping, charging can commence...

How often are you really listening for 20 hours straight and that battery life *really* comes into play? Ahhh noo silly. I mean I can play it for like an hour, turn it off, play it again some other time, etc. I usually only have to charge it once a month, which is really convenient as I travel a lot and don't feel like bringing along the ac adaptor.

Death Engineer
12-27-2005, 06:32 PM
everyone in my school has them, they are sick and well worth the money :)

Just imagine how awesome it would be if it got completely well! :confused:

12-28-2005, 01:58 AM
Just imagine how awesome it would be if it got completely well! :confused:
Do you ask yourself whether some of your comments are necessary? Because I can't seem to stop asking myself.

12-28-2005, 02:19 AM
As long as it can go all day without being recharged, I'm happy. I have no problem recharging things overnight as my nightly ritual already includes hooking up my cell phone, wife's cell, digital camera, mouse, phone earpiece, laptop, and baby toys.

12-28-2005, 02:25 AM
I'd hate to see your electric bill.

Death Engineer
12-28-2005, 03:44 PM
Do you ask yourself whether some of your comments are necessary? Because I can't seem to stop asking myself.

None of the topics/posts in this forum are "necessary". That's why it is called Off-Topic. But do please continue to interrogate yourself. Note that I could probably bring up a few "unnecessary" posts you made in other less "unnecessary" forums.

As long as it can go all day without being recharged, I'm happy. I have no problem recharging things overnight as my nightly ritual already includes hooking up my cell phone, wife's cell, digital camera, mouse, phone earpiece, laptop, and baby toys.

You forgot about Psi's humongatron vibrator toy.

12-28-2005, 04:24 PM
None of the topics/posts in this forum are "necessary". That's why it is called Off-Topic. But do please continue to interrogate yourself. Note that I could probably bring up a few "unnecessary" posts you made in other less "unnecessary" forums.

For the record, I died laughing when I read your comment about "sickness" - I had been thinking the same thing :D

12-28-2005, 04:58 PM
I've got roughtly 14 hours battery life on the 30 gig, more than enough for what I'm going to use it for - although the 60 gig model has a 20 hour battery life (just goes to show how they try to make the tiers more appealingby scaling back on what should be inexpensive batteries in the first place)

That's amazing the battery life they are getting these days considering the size of there dudes, back when MP3 players first came out I remember this player a buddy of mine had would just about eat thru 2 AAs in no time flat.

Death Engineer
12-29-2005, 04:06 AM
Necessary is not a good way to communicate "completely idiotic." You should really work on your vocabulary skills. Also, mild humor (even bad humor) would not qualify in many minds as idiotic. This conversation, however, is approaching a new personal low for me. Therefore, consider this my last reply in this thread. Further attempts at personal attacks may be made through private messages. Have a nice day.

12-29-2005, 04:41 AM
I'm just trying to make poor ai looks smart. WTFG DE!