View Full Version : ultimate loozers

12-28-2005, 04:25 PM
A Tennessee woman is 0-for-2 after she allegedly hatched a plot to kill four men and steal their cocaine. Turns out, the cocaine was actually a block of cheese -- and the hit man she hired was an undercover cop.

Jessica Sandy Booth, 18, was arrested over the weekend after police learned of her plans. Officers say she visited the men’s home in Memphis, where she mistook a block of white queso fresco cheese for cocaine. That’s when she allegedly got the idea to hire a hit man to kill the men and steal their drugs.

An informant learned of her plans and called police. An undercover officer then gave Booth a non-functioning handgun and some ammunition, and accompanied her to the home under police surveillance. During this time, Booth allegedly told the officer that any children in the home old enough to testify would also have to be killed.

A search of the home revealed no drugs – only the white, crumbly cheese commonly found in Mexican cuisine.

Booth was arrested and now faces charges of attempted murder and soliciting a murder.

"Four men were going to lose their lives over some cheese," one police officer said.

Police say Booth is a self-proclaimed prostitute, who may have hatched the plot to help pay for her aspiring modeling career.

12-28-2005, 04:54 PM
aspiring modeling career :rofl: Oh man i'd say she ranks way up on the loozers list.

Death Engineer
12-28-2005, 05:13 PM
I guess the more drugs you use, the harder it is to recognize them??

Smoker 1: "Is that some weed over there?"
Smoker 2: "No. Just more grass."
Smoker 1: "Taste confirms."
Smoker 2: "Rats."

12-28-2005, 06:41 PM
I probably shouldn't tell this story from my own stupid meth using days but it's funny and cheese related. I dropped some meth in the carpet where had been eating pizza ealier in the day, it's amazing how close it looks to parmesan cheese and trust me, the similarity ends there because it taste like crap when smoked. Man I damned near choked my a$$ off. :o

PSA time: Just say no and stay off all drugs! ;)

12-28-2005, 10:23 PM
I probably shouldn't tell this story from my own stupid meth using days but it's funny and cheese related. I dropped some meth in the carpet where had been eating pizza ealier in the day, it's amazing how close it looks to parmesan cheese and trust me, the similarity ends there because it taste like crap when smoked. Man I damned near choked my a$$ off. :o

PSA time: Just say no and stay off all drugs! ;)

I thought I was the only one that did that.

12-29-2005, 12:23 AM
Man, you guys disappoint me. I never did ANYTHING bad or illegal or dangerous when I was young. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/Spall/Smilies/innocent.gif

Then again I don't remember much from when I was in my twenties. :hmmm:

12-29-2005, 12:57 AM
From the things and combos of drugs I have done I am very suprised that my heart is healthy and hasn't exploded.

12-29-2005, 02:20 AM
This story would make an excellent film.

He Is Legend
12-29-2005, 03:18 AM
btw Death, Weed doesnt harm your brain that much bro. ;)

look it up ;), the only reason it isnt legal here is taxes, look at all the users in amsterdam, if it was THAT bad it wouldnt be legal in Colorado

It's all natural, where does it say anyone has died in a car crash or just plain died over marijuana?..show me and ill say your right, cause trust me, ive looked everywhere to look and I havnt found any study,obitcuaries, or anything of the sort to find a death caused by THC

stop beileving commercials, their garbage


Death Engineer
12-29-2005, 03:49 AM
I base my thoughts on drugs on 2 things -- people rather. I knew them both growing up and now both of them are in jail. 1 for attempted murder and the other for possession (I believe it was meth -- third offense). Both gave me the same lines about weed being harmless. And yet, it has ended both of these boys lives as we know it. Admittedly, they both graduated to harder stuff, but in their own words, they wouldn't have graduated to harder stuff if they hadn't started with weed. So before you start trying to lecture me about how safe it is, please consider these guys families. Try explaining to a 9 yr old kid that his dad is in jail as a result of weed, but weed is "safe." I'm not buying it.

Pardon my passionate response, but I feel rather strongly about this subject as a result of personal experiences.

12-29-2005, 04:43 AM
I base my thoughts on drugs on 2 things -- people rather. I knew them both growing up and now both of them are in jail. 1 for attempted murder and the other for possession (I believe it was meth -- third offense). Both gave me the same lines about weed being harmless. And yet, it has ended both of these boys lives as we know it. Admittedly, they both graduated to harder stuff, but in their own words, they wouldn't have graduated to harder stuff if they hadn't started with weed. So before you start trying to lecture me about how safe it is, please consider these guys families. Try explaining to a 9 yr old kid that his dad is in jail as a result of weed, but weed is "safe." I'm not buying it.

Pardon my passionate response, but I feel rather strongly about this subject as a result of personal experiences.

I suppose it's all up to interpretation on what caused both of your friends to turn to drugs. Sounds to me like you're a bad influence. :hmmm: :P

Asian Invasian
12-29-2005, 05:03 AM
btw Death, Weed doesnt harm your brain that much bro. ;)

look it up ;), the only reason it isnt legal here is taxes, look at all the users in amsterdam, if it was THAT bad it wouldnt be legal in Colorado

It's all natural, where does it say anyone has died in a car crash or just plain died over marijuana?..show me and ill say your right, cause trust me, ive looked everywhere to look and I havnt found any study,obitcuaries, or anything of the sort to find a death caused by THC

stop beileving commercials, their garbage


first off its not really legal in colorado, they only allow 1 ounce of pot in your possession, It really only applies in Denver City area, and you have to be 21.
Personally i have never smoked pot never will, i find that **** useless a waste of my friends lifes, and the gateway drug to other drugs.

Ya you are right, its physically impossible to die from marijuana overdose, thsoe commercials are garbage and people dont really die from it i see where you going. But its a personal oppinion and i think its stupid **** because its the start of ALOT of bad things.

12-29-2005, 05:12 AM
DE, I was kidding. Bad joke, but hey, it's me. :)

AI, pot is not legal anywhere in the US. It's not even legal for doctors to prescribe in California. It doesn't matter what laws the states pass - pot is an illegal drug controlled under the DEA and it is a federal offense to possess it. Anywhere. For any reason. The feds can come in any time, push the state and local authorities aside, and take you for committing a federal crime.

Asian Invasian
12-29-2005, 05:15 AM
DE, I was kidding. Bad joke, but hey, it's me. :)

AI, pot is not legal anywhere in the US. It's not even legal for doctors to prescribe in California. It doesn't matter what laws the states pass - pot is an illegal drug controlled under the DEA and it is a federal offense to possess it. Anywhere. For any reason. The feds can come in any time, push the state and local authorities aside, and take you for committing a federal crime.
ya but the cops cant in denver for possession of under 1 ounce.

12-29-2005, 05:29 AM
DE, I was kidding. Bad joke, but hey, it's me. :)

AI, pot is not legal anywhere in the US. It's not even legal for doctors to prescribe in California. It doesn't matter what laws the states pass - pot is an illegal drug controlled under the DEA and it is a federal offense to possess it. Anywhere. For any reason. The feds can come in any time, push the state and local authorities aside, and take you for committing a federal crime.
wrong. there are a dozen or so people receiving a life time supply of medicinal marijuana cigarettes under a federal program started about '91 or so. The government sends them a supply every month. It was cancelled, but these people are able to continue receiving them for life. Sadly enough, most of the participants are dead.
anyway, like most other types of addictions, this is one that can ruin your life, best not to start. As you age, you get to see the human wreckage caused by drug use, so Chaotic, etc, I hope that it will have been worth it 20 years down the road.... :thumbs:

Doc Holliday
12-29-2005, 05:51 AM
[quote=The Revolutionary Asian] gateway drug to other drugs.

there ya go if ppl stop calling weed a drug we wouldn't have the probs we have today...i have never smoked it and never will but i have plenty of friends that do..kids get the idea that hey they call this a drug and its not bad at all and they call cocain a drug so "it" can't be bad.. where as all the other "drugs" are bad...take the indians what do you think they where smoking in that peace pipe...and good point they give weed to eye patentins for glycoma now have they ever issued liquor or nicotien for an illness..im not for weed or against it all im saying is if ppl would stop calling it a DRUG and say ohhh its so bad for you and this and that it wouldn't be a gateway drug any more cause then kids would think this is ok and its not a drug and drugs are bad mmmkay:P

12-29-2005, 06:11 AM
wrong. there are a dozen or so people receiving a life time supply of medicinal marijuana cigarettes under a federal program started about '91 or so. The government sends them a supply every month. It was cancelled, but these people are able to continue receiving them for life. Sadly enough, most of the participants are dead.
anyway, like most other types of addictions, this is one that can ruin your life, best not to start. As you age, you get to see the human wreckage caused by drug use, so Chaotic, etc, I hope that it will have been worth it 20 years down the road.... :thumbs:

Okay, then there are 3 people, or whatever, that are grandfathered in under an old discontinued federal program that can legally possess pot. Otherwise, what I said was true. The point was, federal law trumps state and local laws, so technically, under US law, pot is illegal. Everywhere. Period. Except for the 3 or so people that you mentioned.

Personally, I think if pot can help ease the pain of a terminally ill cancer patient, then the feds need to stay out of it. If I was terminally ill with cancer, and pot allowed me to handle my pain well enough, as opposed to lining the drug company's pockets, then I would have a state of the art hydroponic pot farm in my basement. And a gun to protect it from anyone that tried to intervene.

I do agree though that pot can ruin your life, as can alcohol and tobacco. Alcohol more quickly and obviously, and tobacco more slowly and insidiously.

I'm not necessarily for the legalization of pot, but I don't think that pot is any worse than alcohol, and I think that one reason that using pot leads to harder drugs is because pot is illegal. If you are a pot user, then you are connected to the underground drug trade. And you have easy access to harder drugs.

Asian Invasian
12-29-2005, 06:23 AM
I'm not necessarily for the legalization of pot, but I don't think that pot is any worse than alcohol, and I think that one reason that using pot leads to harder drugs is because pot is illegal. If you are a pot user, then you are connected to the underground drug trade. And you have easy access to harder drugs.

That and because pot gets you high. People do it to feel the high and thats what makes them think pot it awesome. What they dont realize is they keep doing it more and more often, which means it takes more to get high because the come sort of immune to the poison. Which makes them need to experience better highs because they love the feeling so much, they go do crack and meth ruin their life. much like cigarretts(sp?) the more you do, the more you want.

12-29-2005, 06:29 AM
That and because pot gets you high. People do it to feel the high and thats what makes them think pot it awesome. What they dont realize is they keep doing it more and more often, which means it takes more to get high because the come sort of immune to the poison. Which makes them need to experience better highs because they love the feeling so much, they go do crack and meth ruin their life. much like cigarretts(sp?) the more you do, the more you want.

Alcohol is no different. The addiction is exactly as you described pot. But when you go to the drive-thru to buy alcohol legally, you don't have the option to buy anything stronger or illegal. When you go to your dealer to buy pot, that's where you usually get the opportunity to try something that will give you a better buzz.

Asian Invasian
12-29-2005, 06:41 AM
Alcohol is no different. The addiction is exactly as you described pot. But when you go to the drive-thru to buy alcohol legally, you don't have the option to buy anything stronger or illegal. When you go to your dealer to buy pot, that's where you usually get the opportunity to try something that will give you a better buzz.
ya i wasnt disagreeing with you alcohol is adicting no doubt, i was just adding on :P

12-29-2005, 11:59 AM
I smoke weed every single day. I don't believe it leads to other drugs by any means. I did many other drugs before I did weed and I'm roughly three months away from having a Masters degree.

Ben Thug
12-29-2005, 02:32 PM
yeah alot of thes things are true , but i handle cocaine, weed, many pills, crank , and pretty much everything else everyday, alot of ppl have different opinions about things , but weed to me isnt bad in anyway , i cant even remember a day i havent smoked it , its a daily based thing to me and cao. yes it can lead to many other drugs , and expieramenting BUT....thats mainly because of peer presure , cause drugs dont apear on a table in front of you from no where.. i just dont like to hear trash about weed though. i would type more but i gotta go get my wisdom teeth taken out in an hour :( where i get more drugs muahahha... jk

Die Hard
12-29-2005, 02:51 PM
Weed makes your Wisdom teeth grow quicker...

12-29-2005, 03:19 PM
yeah alot of thes things are true , but i handle cocaine, weed, many pills, crank , and pretty much everything else everyday, alot of ppl have different opinions about things , but weed to me isnt bad in anyway , i cant even remember a day i havent smoked it , its a daily based thing to me and cao. yes it can lead to many other drugs , and expieramenting BUT....thats mainly because of peer presure , cause drugs dont apear on a table in front of you from no where.. i just dont like to hear trash about weed though. i would type more but i gotta go get my wisdom teeth taken out in an hour :( where i get more drugs muahahha... jk

And it's hardly effected your 'speeling and pucutation' at all. J/K bro, fire up another one. :P

12-29-2005, 04:01 PM
I don't believe the stats about pot leading to harder drugs. Sure it does lead some to harder ones but that can be said about anything. Drinking leads to becoming an alcoholic, eating at McDonalds will make you fat, sex leads to STD's etc. If you have an addictive personality you are prone to run into trouble.

I still smoke, but I am considering quitting for a while. Stupid drug tests at employers. The weakest drug stays in your system for a month.

He Is Legend
12-29-2005, 08:40 PM
wrong. there are a dozen or so people receiving a life time supply of medicinal marijuana cigarettes under a federal program started about '91 or so. The government sends them a supply every month. It was cancelled, but these people are able to continue receiving them for life. Sadly enough, most of the participants are dead.
anyway, like most other types of addictions, this is one that can ruin your life, best not to start. As you age, you get to see the human wreckage caused by drug use, so Chaotic, etc, I hope that it will have been worth it 20 years down the road.... :thumbs:

It will be

He Is Legend
12-29-2005, 08:41 PM
Weed makes your Wisdom teeth grow quicker...
haha i had mine takin out last month..ouch ):

He Is Legend
12-29-2005, 08:43 PM
I smoke weed every single day. I don't believe it leads to other drugs by any means. I did many other drugs before I did weed and I'm roughly three months away from having a Masters degree.

I give props to you everday, we need to hang out lol

Death Engineer
12-29-2005, 09:07 PM
I agree on alcohol being as bad or worse. I have detailed similar (but worse) personal experiences where alcohol was involved.

On another note, I have never understood why anyone would want to inhale something burning hot into their lungs. But hey, I'm a prude. What can I say? :P Further, injecting something into your veins or snorting something other than air is about as far away from "natural" as I can imagine.

12-29-2005, 09:37 PM
I'm with you DE, I'm just not posting b/c I know it'll just get me frustrated.

12-29-2005, 09:53 PM
Here is how I look at weed.
Some people enjoy a beer when they get home to unwind. I prefer a bowl.
I don't like to drink much so weed is about it for me except for the pills i need to take for pain. I will say this there is no drug worse than Heroin. That sh!t will kill you. I won't get into to exactly what it does unless asked.

12-29-2005, 09:55 PM
Sirc here in florida anything under 28 grams is considered a minor offense. Above that and you are hanging with Bubba for a few.

12-29-2005, 10:16 PM
On another note, I have never understood why anyone would want to inhale something burning hot into their lungs..

It's not that hot. But it reminds me of the fun we used to have introducing people to their first hit from a water bong filled with ice and water. Take a nice deep hit, it'll be nice and cool.....so they fill their lungs with chilled smoke. Heh. It sucked though when you couldn't get the bong away from them before they started splashing the water out all over the carpet.

12-29-2005, 11:37 PM
It sucked though when you couldn't get the bong away from them before they started splashing the water out all over the carpet.

:( and there's a smell that never goes away either...:rolleyes:

Die Hard
12-30-2005, 12:09 AM
Too much weed makes your carpet smell.....

He Is Legend
12-30-2005, 01:20 AM
I'm with who, I really dispise drinking..I mean a nice beer here or there is ok and pretty refreshing, but i mean just plain getting slam drunk I dont like

One I just dont like the feeling being drunk gives you, why would you want to do something that makes you just feel like total crap the next morning?, when you could just smoke and not feel all lowsy the next day

everyone has their opinions, I just honestly feel that being drunk makes me feel really depressed, when smoking makes me happy and creative

He Is Legend
12-30-2005, 01:21 AM
It's not that hot. But it reminds me of the fun we used to have introducing people to their first hit from a water bong filled with ice and water. Take a nice deep hit, it'll be nice and cool.....so they fill their lungs with chilled smoke. Heh. It sucked though when you couldn't get the bong away from them before they started splashing the water out all over the carpet.

haha sirc knows whats up :P

12-30-2005, 02:12 AM
haha sirc knows whats up :P

LOL. Very few here will understand what I was talking about. :D

Or maybe not... :hmmm: :D

Free Styler
12-30-2005, 02:57 AM
Well my personal opinion on pot is this.

When introduced in someones life at a earlie age...Let's say before 15
Well i would say that in almost all cases ..people will try harder stuff along the way cause kids are easily bated in to it.(not necessarely a good thing i agree)
But..all bad things that happen in life is not necesarely related to drugs.
I mean you can have 2 people that are the exact same personality a clone let's
1. smokes weed
2. does not smoke weed. Both are killers and robbers.?
So in this case weed is not a factor for seomeone being or making good or not.

A other thing that most people relate to is there health.
You prolly got people smoking weed that are functionnal at 80 years old and living their lives being who they are trying to make the best of what they have.
You prolly also have people that are 80 being fed old pee soup that cant speak or do **** that were perfect all their lives who regulary did exercise
and ate well."OF COURSE" this could also be vis-versa but the bottom line
is.is it?really that important to be in super top notch shape .I mean dont get me wrong i train at least 4 or 5 times a week cause i like to and it makes me feel good but .Our every day lives include a nice mixure of c02 ozone microwave waves and ect..People that are in very good health getting cancer for no reason.And you dont see them going out in the street blaming someone for it.Why? Cause it's ok the goverment labels
what he want to label and to be honest theres not much we can do about it
anyways.Ok....the story is getting a bit out of line but i'll continue with pot.
I have lot's of friends that smoke weed.Some of em have degrees some of them do not.The relevant issue here is would the ones that dont have a good
education would of have if they did not smoke pot...To be honest i dont think
so.Actully i'm positively shure they would not of have.
Some people value life as being a working citizen all their lives and feeling important somewhere is what makes them happy.i work and i dont like my job one bit.But i still do it.will try to find something i do hehe

All and all imo pot is a good thing i smoked a lot of it in my life and i dont regret one bit of it.
Tho i will agree that it should be something to experiment maybe at a later
age when in college so that your mature enough to do what you want and think it over.
Hard drugs are not recommended hehe and that's that.Hard drugs are **** and i mean ****..Tho many good trips came out of it:).

All and all you can look at the perfect citizen that has a good job a wife and a kid a house and a car.
And you can look at the guys chilling with friends or the above all their lives with less money.
Education?You think the guy that knows a few more historicals events
and knows more politics and whatnot is considered "a good citizen".
As long as you do good in your life that's what makes a good citizen in my mind.You got a bunchfull of sickos and weirdos in this society some of em being the ones that are suppose to help others.I dont think a joint or 2 will make the world any worst then it already is.As a matter a fact it just makes you think a little more .

that's my 2 cents

12-30-2005, 04:11 AM
You know ... it's funny how something as simple as getting handcuffs slapped on you can make you change your opinion. I'm not speaking from personal experience, thank goodness but I have seen it happen to others.

Ben Thug
12-30-2005, 04:51 AM
yeah ive got 2 felonys from drugs , but it only makes me more careful not even consider stopiing, oh cody i got a script of 7.5s today 90 count 3 refills , and a old guy wants them all=$$$$ :) since no one will answer he pphone and im a bit wasted , im going to kenzies ill talk to you tommarow , and answer this time.

btw sorry for the pointless message. but i hope cody reads it.

He Is Legend
12-30-2005, 05:27 AM
You know ... it's funny how something as simple as getting handcuffs slapped on you can make you change your opinion. I'm not speaking from personal experience, thank goodness but I have seen it happen to others.

Hasnt changed a thing

He Is Legend
12-30-2005, 05:31 AM
yeah ive got 2 felonys from drugs , but it only makes me more careful not even consider stopiing, oh cody i got a script of 7.5s today 90 count 3 refills , and a old guy wants them all=$$$$ :) since no one will answer he pphone and im a bit wasted , im going to kenzies ill talk to you tommarow , and answer this time.

btw sorry for the pointless message. but i hope cody reads it.

ohhhhh shiza!, I have my drug screen for Kings Grant Friday, we need to chill Fri, I got some fire and I know you have some $, lets hook up

12-30-2005, 05:33 AM
Hasnt changed a thing

Then you got off too easy.

12-30-2005, 05:37 AM
yeah ive got 2 felonys from drugs , but it only makes me more careful not even consider stopiing, oh cody i got a script of 7.5s today 90 count 3 refills , and a old guy wants them all=$$$$ :) since no one will answer he pphone and im a bit wasted , im going to kenzies ill talk to you tommarow , and answer this time.

btw sorry for the pointless message. but i hope cody reads it.

Erm, yeah. I think this thread has gone far enough now. Relating experiences from the past and posting this crap are two different things.

Look at Ben's profile. He's a "street pharmacist". Well Mr. Street Pharmacist, I've got two teenage kids. If they ever turn to drugs, which I doubt, then it will be someone like you that supplies them. If you live in my town you better hope you go to jail before I find you. :)

And no, just because I was stupid in my youth doesn't mean that my kids have to make the same mistake. My parents never talked to me about drugs. My kid's mom and I have kept an open discussion going throughout their lives about how drugs can destroy you. Some people are lucky and can go that route and break away to lead productive and happy lives. Most people can't.

I can't wait till you get that 3rd felony on you Ben and they put you away for good. :wave:

12-30-2005, 05:38 AM
Then you got off too easy.
Yea they should have popped his ass with some bean bag rounds! YA MEAN!

Asian Invasian
12-30-2005, 06:02 AM
Yea they should have popped his ass with some bean bag rounds! YA MEAN!
ROFL :rofl: :rofl:

Ben Thug
12-30-2005, 06:10 AM
well my miss types arent because of drugs i am wearing a splint i brok emy hand.

Sirc, sorry you dont like me, and i have nothing to do with your problem and thanks for your words since ive never spoke to you befor :) so do not judge me....

12-30-2005, 06:22 AM
well my miss types arent because of drugs i am wearing a splint i brok emy hand.

Sirc, sorry you dont like me, and i have nothing to do with your problem and thanks for your words since ive never spoke to you befor :)

I'm not the one with the problem. Well not in this case anyway. :P

OMG, a Sirc virgin. He has no idea....Muahahaha!

Although he's probably not really worth it since he is well on his way to destroying himself. Ben, do you have hemorrhoids? if so that's gonna really suck for you. My magic 8-ball says you have someone named "Bubba" in your future. Good luck and have fun! And oh, by the way, die please. :)

Ben Thug
12-30-2005, 06:29 AM
all im saying is i dont know you , you dont know me , you dont like me , why cant we get along wihtout me being flamed ? cause im not gonna flame back.

He Is Legend
12-30-2005, 06:34 AM
Erm, yeah. I think this thread has gone far enough now. Relating experiences from the past and posting this crap are two different things.

Look at Ben's profile. He's a "street pharmacist". Well Mr. Street Pharmacist, I've got two teenage kids. If they ever turn to drugs, which I doubt, then it will be someone like you that supplies them. If you live in my town you better hope you go to jail before I find you. :)

And no, just because I was stupid in my youth doesn't mean that my kids have to make the same mistake. My parents never talked to me about drugs. My kid's mom and I have kept an open discussion going throughout their lives about how drugs can destroy you. Some people are lucky and can go that route and break away to lead productive and happy lives. Most people can't.

I can't wait till you get that 3rd felony on you Ben and they put you away for good. :wave:

Edit : I dont need to say anything

Sirc mind your own buisness, what he does is his own buisness and shouldnt be judged, what if i judged you for your past?

But I dont, I think your a ok guy..and you shouldnt judge people for the lives they choose to live

12-30-2005, 06:35 AM

He Is Legend
12-30-2005, 06:40 AM

i want some pop corn ):

12-30-2005, 06:56 AM
all im saying is i dont know you , you dont know me , you dont like me , why cant we get along wihtout me being flamed ? cause im not gonna flame back.

A challenge. * Sirc Joy *

Oh Ben. Ben, Ben, Ben. I know you. So well.

You are the scum that a human being can become.
You are such slime because of the nature of your crime.
Okay I didn't mean to make a poem about this so the rest won't ryhme. Jeez, it's still rhyming. Anyway, get over it. The rest won't.
Ben, you are the scum of the earth. You are the one that supplies kids with drugs who have no idea how to deal with them. You are the destroyer, the evil that every parent despises. You have no future, which is a good thing. Unfortunately your current presence on this Earth is a problem for the majority of the rest of the real human beings that are around you. You are the plague. I do in fact know you. I hate you.
Die please. Now. :)

Chaotic, go bite yoursef. I don't have any sympathy for this slimeball just because he is your dealer. Judge me as you please. You must know by now that I don't give a shiat how you wish to judge me.

And Sirc doesn't mind his own business. Sorry. This is what many people here were hoping for when I was let back on the forums. Deal with it. Go with it. Sirc has come alive again. :thumbs:

Ben Thug
12-30-2005, 07:31 AM
you have the wrong guy. you dont know me at all.

He Is Legend
12-30-2005, 07:37 AM
A challenge. * Sirc Joy *

Oh Ben. Ben, Ben, Ben. I know you. So well.

You are the scum that a human being can become.
You are such slime because of the nature of your crime.
Okay I didn't mean to make a poem about this so the rest won't ryhme. Jeez, it's still rhyming. Anyway, get over it. The rest won't.
Ben, you are the scum of the earth. You are the one that supplies kids with drugs who have no idea how to deal with them. You are the destroyer, the evil that every parent despises. You have no future, which is a good thing. Unfortunately your current presence on this Earth is a problem for the majority of the rest of the real human beings that are around you. You are the plague. I do in fact know you. I hate you.
Die please. Now. :)

Chaotic, go bite yoursef. I don't have any sympathy for this slimeball just because he is your dealer. Judge me as you please. You must know by now that I don't give a shiat how you wish to judge me.

And Sirc doesn't mind his own business. Sorry. This is what many people here were hoping for when I was let back on the forums. Deal with it. Go with it. Sirc has come alive again. :thumbs:

Stop assuming you prick, go bite yourself..and what is this about him being my dealer?

what the hell do you know about my life, Ben has been my friend for over 6 years..all I was doing was being nice..then you bust a load onto everyone..no wonder GM banned your sorry ass..you sure are so cool yourself there..I thought you "hated" GM?..is that why you begged the GMS to let you back?..your sorry for a 40 something old retired bastard

I'm done with this pointless thread..Admin close it

12-30-2005, 07:39 AM
you have the wrong guy. you dont know me at all.


That was perfect. Be sure and use that line in your third and final fed conviction. I'm sure it'll work. Three time's the charm baby. :thumbs:

Although I'm starting to smell something. Something like Nitrogen? No that's odorless. Nitrous? Naw, I'd be giggling. Whatever it is I'm sure it starts with Nitro......:hmmm:

Ben Thug
12-30-2005, 07:45 AM
this isnt nitrostatic if thats what you mean , check my ip or what ever , i dont even know you , as same for me , i realy wish you would stop flaming me and acting a fool..

12-30-2005, 07:49 AM
Stop assuming you prick, go bite yourself..and what is this about him being my dealer?

what the hell do you know about my life, Ben has been my friend for over 6 years..all I was doing was being nice..then you bust a load onto everyone..no wonder GM banned your sorry ass..you sure are so cool yourself there..I thought you "hated" GM?..is that why you begged the GMS to let you back?..your sorry for a 40 something old retired bastard

I'm done with this pointless thread..Admin close it

yeah ive got 2 felonys from drugs , but it only makes me more careful not even consider stopiing, oh cody i got a script of 7.5s today 90 count 3 refills , and a old guy wants them all=$$$$ :) since no one will answer he pphone and im a bit wasted , im going to kenzies ill talk to you tommarow , and answer this time.

btw sorry for the pointless message. but i hope cody reads it.

Oops! Sorry. I guess I must have mis-read that. And the fact that he proclaims himself as a "street pharmasist" in his profile.

Ben's a peach. :thumbs:

Why is he here anyway? What games does he play? Or is he just trying to increase his user base?

you sure are so cool yourself there..I thought you "hated" GM?..is that why you begged the GMS to let you back?..your sorry for a 40 something old retired bastard

That just goes to show how much you know. I'm not retired. :P :D :wave:

12-30-2005, 07:52 AM
this isnt nitrostatic if thats what you mean , check my ip or what ever , i dont even know you , as same for me , i realy wish you would stop flaming me and acting a fool..

I never mentioned Nitrostatic. Where did that come from? :rolleyes: ;)

I'm Sirc. Acting like a fool is what I do. Ask anyone. :D

Ben Thug
12-30-2005, 08:04 AM
if you were realy busy reading my profile like you say you would have noticed what game i play.

12-30-2005, 08:08 AM
if you were realy busy reading my profile like you say you would have noticed what game i play.

Which version of your profile are you speaking of? The new one where you have removed the "street pharmasist" from your description? Or the old one?

Ben Thug
12-30-2005, 08:09 AM
so i dont have ppl like you saying **** your saying thats why i took it out...

im trying to stay friendly with all gm community , thats including you, so i would like all this to stop. im gonna stop posting about this now.

12-30-2005, 08:17 AM
so i dont have ppl like you saying **** your saying thats why i took it out...

Ben, did you mean to slip the "7" into the end of that last post? Is that some sort of code? Are you setting up some sort of hit on me? Or is your brain just fried from the drugs? :hmmm:

Anyway, it's bedtime for Sirc. Nice meeting you Ben. Get arrested again soon. :wave:

solid snake295
12-30-2005, 09:13 AM
yeah ive got 2 felonys from drugs , but it only makes me more careful not even consider stopiing, oh cody i got a script of 7.5s today 90 count 3 refills , and a old guy wants them all=$$$$ :) since no one will answer he pphone and im a bit wasted , im going to kenzies ill talk to you tommarow , and answer this time.

btw sorry for the pointless message. but i hope cody reads it.

nice uzi, G-unit.


12-30-2005, 09:20 AM
You are a looser..

So which pant leg do you pull up to be a e thug?

He Is Legend
12-30-2005, 11:08 AM
Why does everyone have to be such a prick to Ben?

He Is Legend
12-30-2005, 11:09 AM
You are a looser..

So which pant leg do you pull up to be a e thug?


12-30-2005, 11:57 AM
well well well, this is a fine way for me to start my day, kids promoting drug abuse at GM.


Now, a few members posting here will be reviewed by the council :wave:

have a nice day.