View Full Version : Has anyone

He Is Legend
12-30-2005, 06:45 AM
Seen the new Narnia movie yet?

I've been wanting to see it cause I read the book in 5'th grade and it was pretty neat

If anyones seen it..dont spoil it just kinda rate it :P

thanks guys

12-30-2005, 02:22 PM
Seen the new Narnia movie yet?

I've been wanting to see it cause I read the book in 5'th grade and it was pretty neat

If anyones seen it..dont spoil it just kinda rate it :P

thanks guys

Very well done, and pretty darn close as far as accuracy. I took my 11 year old brother to see it opening day, and we both enjoyed it a lot.

If you ever saw the old movie, you probably thought "this isn't right" quite a lot. The battles in that movie were small, and since there was no CGI, the animals were people dressed in animal costumes (IE - Mr. Beaver was 6 foot tall!)

The new version is truer to form - the battles are epic scale, and the animals are all CGI, making it much more real feeling.

I give it 2 thumbs up!

12-30-2005, 03:21 PM
SAL saw it http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=75667 :P

I saw it as well, too much of a "kids" movie for me. Battle scene was also kiddyfied, no heads being chopped off! It was said when the lion died (since you've read the book you would know what actualy happens), the witch was pretty well portrayed except for the fact that at times she looked like a total drug addict (they could have picked out an older actress to play her too).

Overall not violent enough for me... Otherwise it prolly is a good translation from book to film, much like LoTR was.