View Full Version : Been looking for Villains...

C4 Guy
01-05-2006, 10:38 PM
... and hardly found any. Did everybody go on strike or something? Only Lady Doom appeared once and got f9 close to the end. Sorry Mika, don't have a better screenie. :(

But at least I met some nice ppl today, was a pleasure to gettin' my ass whipped by Black Rose. :D

Falls Du's liest, Rosie: Wahr mir eine Ehre, schade dass Du beim nächsten Match so schnell verschwunden bist. :o

Well, GGs all and thanx for playing. :thumbs:

01-05-2006, 10:54 PM
GG's C4 :D.

Black Rose
01-05-2006, 11:00 PM
Good games and nice screenies :wootrock:
That game in LT was really a great game and just lucky me to be on top.
Never thought to win it because that 2in1 guy or girl came in late and rushed through that map like a hurrican. It was unbelievable his or her playing style.
Never saw jumps like this before. Would really love to know who he or she was :)

Ja, sorry, daß ich da gleich verschwunden bin, aber mein Adrenalinspiegel war ziemlich hoch und ich sollte eigentlich einige Minuten später auf eine Party gehen. Hätte gerne noch einige Spiele gespielt, aber mußte ja dann gehen.
Danke für das Screenie :wub:

Die Hard
01-06-2006, 08:50 AM
Yep, Rosie is one of the best peeps to play. Always very funny :thumbs:

I will be playing all day and night tomorrow C4 so get yourself on the servers so I can fill you full of holes :P

C4 Guy
01-06-2006, 09:57 AM
Never thought to win it because that 2in1 guy or girl came in late and rushed through that map like a hurrican. It was unbelievable his or her playing style. Never saw jumps like this before. Would really love to know who he or she was :)

Hm, I'm not so convinced about that. He's a very skilled player, but in this game it was also a big luck that came into it. Let's say he got a lot of shots served on a silver tray. I watched the demo. ;)

Well, maybe it's just my playing stile that keeps me from scoring higher. All my kills in that game was either by shotty or knife.
I don't like :spam:

Ja, sorry, daß ich da gleich verschwunden bin, aber mein Adrenalinspiegel war ziemlich hoch und ich sollte eigentlich einige Minuten später auf eine Party gehen.

Ja, das kommt dann nicht so gut wenn man sein Glas kaum halten kann und ein Augenlied immer so komisch zuckt. ;)

Hätte gerne noch einige Spiele gespielt, aber mußte ja dann gehen.
Danke für das Screenie :wub:

Kein Problem, hoffe man sieht sich demnächst. Peil doch mal Samstag an, da will ja DH mal wieder in den Ring. ;)

C4 Guy
01-06-2006, 10:09 AM
I will be playing all day and night tomorrow C4 so get yourself on the servers so I can fill you full of holes :P

Well, then better get prepared for this... :D


01-06-2006, 10:52 AM
GG's :thumbs:

Die Hard
01-06-2006, 12:43 PM
Well, then better get prepared for this... :D

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y178/znurk/dh.jpgLooks like my new rectum is ready :eek:

Die Hard
01-06-2006, 01:06 PM
I'm looking forward so much to tomorrow :devil:

Lady Doom
01-06-2006, 01:14 PM
GG C4:thumbs:
always fun with You Matt:)

01-06-2006, 02:26 PM
GG Matt:thumbs:
I'll be tomorrow day&night and we'll see for sure;):thumbs:

Siron Ex
01-07-2006, 07:32 PM
GG's ;)