View Full Version : Transporter 2

01-18-2006, 10:35 PM
Anybody seen this movie? "Transporter 2" I didnt get chance to see in theaters here so.....

It recently came out on dvd here........imo it was a great movie :thumbs: If you get the chance to check it out i would recomend it !! Great action and stunts !! Transporter 1 was really good also :cool:

01-19-2006, 01:16 AM
Anybody seen this movie? "Transporter 2" I didnt get chance to see in theaters here so.....

It recently came out on dvd here........imo it was a great movie :thumbs: If you get the chance to check it out i would recomend it !! Great action and stunts !! Transporter 1 was really good also :cool:

I have it rented right now, but haven't watched it yet...I'll probably see it tonight.

01-19-2006, 01:43 PM
Transporter 1 was great, thanks for the heads up on #2, I was suspicious of the sequal when I saw the reviews :)

01-20-2006, 08:50 AM
Get a big bowl of popcorn and get your imagination ready...this movie is non-stop crazy action...fun stuff. But, don't ruin it by saying there is no way that would ever happen.

Term thatz a big :thumbs: It was so much fun watching it the first time, i had to watch it again :D And i rarely if ever see anything that i would want to watch more than just teh 1x !!

01-20-2006, 03:36 PM
Very action packed, very fun. Like Term said, some of the things just make you go "sheesh" and shake you're head b/c they're a little...fantastical...

But still...

BobCkroach gives this one :thumbs::thumbs: