View Full Version : Upcoming Games in 2006

01-20-2006, 11:38 PM
Well, the new year is in full motion now, and it's time to start drooling about this year's supply of new games! Which one are you looking forward to the most? I've included a link for each to help you learn what it is.

01-20-2006, 11:50 PM
Nothing upcoming for PC this year really strikes me except UT2007. The engine looks... well.. unreal.
Have a look for yourself if you haven't already. This is the kind of game you will want to purchase a nice 20" Widerscreen monitor. Or maybe a 50" LCD TV. :D

01-20-2006, 11:50 PM
My vote goes to Prey.

I think UT2k7 has the most potential to be awesome, however Prey just looks outta this world.

If I had to rank them, personally, it'd be this:

Half-Life 2: Aftermath
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Hellgate: London
MOH: Airborne
Spore (looks weird, but could be very kewl)

...and the last 2 I don't even care about, but I know they're big upcoming games, so I had them in there.

01-20-2006, 11:52 PM
Nothing upcoming for PC this year really strikes me except UT2007. The engine looks... well.. unreal.
Have a look for yourself if you haven't already. This is the kind of game you will want to purchase a nice 20" Widerscreen monitor. Or maybe a 50" LCD TV. :D

I didn't need a new game to want a 20" LCD :D

However, I definitely know what you mean. I think Prey looks really really hot too, and I buy for Single Player first, Multi-Player second, so that's really what swayed my vote...

01-21-2006, 12:29 AM
Hit this link and watch the trailer for Quake wars, WOW!


01-21-2006, 01:38 AM
I voted other because I am more into the roleplaying.. I am looking forward to 2 games.. D&D as well as Vanguard, but that is just me

01-21-2006, 02:32 AM
Hellgate London is gonna be huge. It's from the former Blizzard team and is combining Diablo with a co-op third person FPS.

01-21-2006, 04:12 AM
I am looking forward to a lot of PC games this year:

Heroes of Might and Magic V
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Guild Wars expansion
Hellgate: London
Supreme Commander

01-21-2006, 12:22 PM
Hit this link and watch the trailer for Quake wars, WOW!


cool trailer:thumbs:

01-21-2006, 06:03 PM
i voted for UT 2007 mostly cause i look forward to the multiplayer part but some of the other games like Enemy territory and Hellgate and prey look darn good also

nice poll :)

01-21-2006, 07:22 PM
i voted for UT 2007 mostly cause i look forward to the multiplayer part but some of the other games like Enemy territory and Hellgate and prey look darn good also

nice poll :)
Same here .

01-21-2006, 07:39 PM
i really cant wait for two continues of great RPGs, neverwinter nights 2 and tes4:oblivion.

i voted for oblivion, but nwn was better than morrowind, in my opinion. i saw few trailers for oblivion and its gonna own ;) what do you think about that?

01-21-2006, 09:25 PM
Definately want HellGate the most. 2nd is probably Quake Wars.

01-22-2006, 04:29 PM
Even though I am a big medal of honor fan; I am going to have to go with UT2007.I just know the game is going to be off the hook:D The game is going to have a fun multi and some good graphics.

Btw you should have put Stalker in the list.:) I think the game is going to finally come out this year. After years of developing is finally here; this year:D and it sounds like is going to be a good one.:thumbs: game kinda reminds me of HL2

Anyways I shouldn't be getting exciting yet because I still had to upgrade my machine if I want to play those games.:(

01-22-2006, 06:50 PM
Yeah gonna be a retro year for me seeing this as the HIGHlights :rolleyes:
Unreall (hopefully better sequel then q4) and half life (sp very good) I can understand, but those other games...

Hmmm, gonna play Ocarina and majora's mask I think, or maybe a link to the past (for the 10th time)...

Or get the dust of my TA game, allthough starcraft would be nice to play also again...

Or go console: where the manufactures have to adjust to u instead of u to them (saves a lot of money)....

Hehe, ok ok vote to half life :)

M a T R o X
01-22-2006, 07:00 PM
I want Unreal Tournament 2007.. But I also want FarCry: Instincts..
LAL have that come for PC? :S I am not really sure.. As I remember will it never come to PC or has it come?

01-24-2006, 05:44 PM
I want Unreal Tournament 2007.. But I also want FarCry: Instincts..
LAL have that come for PC? :S I am not really sure.. As I remember will it never come to PC or has it come?

Far Cry Instincts is only for XBox. There is no FarCry Instincts for PC. Mainly b/c it's mostly the same game, w/ a few things added. If anything, they'd just release a patch for the PC w/ the new stuff for Instincts.