View Full Version : Something to consider

01-21-2006, 12:03 AM
I'm not sure this would be popular w/ anyone but me, and even if it is, maybe it can't be done / isn't worth SAL's time, but I was wondering...

I often have GM open while I'm working, etc, and if I'm involved in a thread, I continually, sometimes every 30 seconds, refresh looking for new posts, especially if there's some HW trouble shooting going on, or a nice heated debate (politics, religeon...red dragon :rolleyes: , etc)

Anyways, I was wondering if there's a way to add auto refresh. It could be a settings along w/ all the others (such as how you can expand/collapse certain forums/sections) and could be set to like 30 seconds, 60 second, or off, or something like that? Not that refreshing is that hard/time consuming - it'd just be nice to have say GM open in a back window, doing work in a front one, and being able to see GM update as i'm working, so I know when I need to stop and reply, etc.

I got the idea from ESPN's scoreboards, etc. I think it's javascript, so it'd be easy, I think...

Just curious. Thanks. :thumbs:

01-21-2006, 12:21 AM
Software solution:


01-21-2006, 12:29 AM
Software solution:


I was just writing to tell you thank you, it worked very well...when it refreshed 1/2 through the post and erased what I had written...:rofl:

I guess I'm looking for something that would only do it on select pages - basically, the list pages. Not inside the actual thread, or during posts.

Back to making SAL do it! ;) :P

01-21-2006, 12:32 AM
Yikes that won't work if it does that. :(

Seems like some of those software ones would have a hotkey that turned it off and on.

01-21-2006, 04:48 AM
I don't think there is a way where the page automatically refreshes for only certain people that want it to. There are ways to do it where it happens for everyone, but it would require special coding to work with vBulletin and I don't know how.

If I remember though, I though it was a feature on either Opera or Firefox. You might want to look into that.