View Full Version : Quake Wars Info

01-25-2006, 11:09 PM

I found this preview of the game - definitely looks like a great title. Sounds like they're doing a lot to make it as visual as possible (it said that the medics will have the stimpacks on their back, and if you watch one heal a patient, you'll actually be able to see the stimpack depleting!) and it sounds like they're offering some very realistic gameplay.

The part that I really liked was the engineer's role. They said he'll be critically important. They're going to be improving things from a lot of standard gameplay. For instance, in most games, vehicles take 1 particular piece of damage. In QW, you can shoot out a tire, slowing it down, shoot out a second one, etc. But the engineer can actually focus his fixing - Say the frame is damage, as well as a wheel, but you just need to get away quick. Rather than sitting there while he fixes the whole thing, you can just fix the wheel and get going! Wow!

I think SHO called it - this game is gonna rock! :w00t:

01-25-2006, 11:12 PM
Here's something to wonder (and hope for!):

The original game in this series was Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory. Wolfenstein had been out for a while (perhaps a year or 2?), and then ET came out. When this happened, Enemy Territory was available as a free download, or you could purchase it w/ Wolfenstein as a Platinum package, or whatever they called it.

How AWESOME would it be if this game ended up doing the same thing? Download QW for free or you can purchase the Platinum edition of Q4 and it'll come w/ QW?!!


01-26-2006, 08:35 PM
That won't happen....trust me.

Anyways, yeah it seems great. CGW had a big preview on it, seemes pretty sweet. BF2 is gonna have some competition.

01-26-2006, 10:29 PM
Yeah, I really don't expect to see a free version either, but sheesh! Let a guy dream!

And, uh, as far as I'm concerned, you can drive a nail straight into my forehead and it'll give bf2 some competition. At least w/ the nail I give a crap what happens.

:D :thumbs: