View Full Version : Frame rates

01-27-2006, 11:15 PM
What kind of frame rates are you all getting?

The highest i've seen mine get to is 63 just running around out of battle, but it seems like I read somewhere on here that Q4 is capped at 60 FPS, is that correct?

IIRC I had mine in Q3 set to 120 FPS. Even with that Frame booster cfg file that Exe posted i'm still capped at 63. :( That dude makes Q4 look like the original Quake.

If you need to know how to find out your FPS:
Make a AutoExec.txt file in you Q4base folder and add this line to it bind F10 toggle com_showFPS, then save it and then change the file name to AutoExec.cfg. You can then toggle the setting on and off by using the F10 button. I used the F10 button, you can use any unassigned button.

01-27-2006, 11:19 PM
I get 30 - 40, running 1280x1024 @ high settings.

And yes, q4 should be capped, by default, @ 60. I believe there's a way to remove the cap, though.

01-27-2006, 11:26 PM
I didn't see this command r_displayRefresh [Hz] in the Quake4Config.cfg file but I added it to my AutoExec.cfg and set it to to 'r_displayRefresh 75' and that still didn't help, it's still reading 63. And yes, i've turn off frame syncing in my video card's settings.

This tweak guide is where I got that setting command

01-27-2006, 11:41 PM
doom3 engine is capped at 60 fps, there is no way to uncap in multiplayer. There is no difference between 60 and 60+.

01-27-2006, 11:42 PM
From http://www.viperlair.com/articles/howto/software/tweakq4/index.shtml

Don't forget, Quake 4 is capped at 60 frames per second* just like Doom 3, so the aim in your tweaking will be to get as constant a 60 as often as possible, as with the speed of the movement in the game, you really will notice the lower frame rates.

*You CAN remove this limit, but unlike Quake III Arena where the framerate was tied to game physics, Quake 4 doesn't have this issue. However should you wish to remove the cap, add this to your autoexec -

set com_fixedTic "-1"

Chances are removing the cap is not going to improve your game performance, so there is little point in changing this. Default setting is 0.

01-28-2006, 12:11 AM
Even with the tweaks on that page my frames drop like a rock as soon as I fire a single round. I suspect my 4600ti needs to retire. :rolleyes:

01-28-2006, 12:54 AM
Even with the tweaks on that page my frames drop like a rock as soon as I fire a single round. I suspect my 4600ti needs to retire. :rolleyes:

r_vertexlight 1 is VERY helpful (if you are not already using it).

01-28-2006, 01:01 AM
I added the 'set r_vertexlight 1' line to my AutoExec.cfg and that made a big improvement in keeping the FPS up near 60. Thanks Slik!

01-28-2006, 03:10 AM
I added the 'set r_vertexlight 1' line to my AutoExec.cfg and that made a big improvement in keeping the FPS up near 60. Thanks Slik!
also if you guys aren't using brightskins, i HIGHLY recommend you do.

cg_enemycolor 0 255 0

you can change those 3 values to whatever you want to change the color.

01-28-2006, 04:20 AM
So far this is what I have in there and it seems to be working pretty well or way better than yesterday.

seta ui_name "^1[^7O^1]^2S^7hogun"
image_usePrecompressedTextures 0
com_allowConsole 1
bind F10 toggle com_showFPS
seta g_fov "100"
set image_useCache "1" // enable the below setting
set image_cacheMegs "128" // cache size for precompressed textures, 128 for 512MB systems, 196-256 for 1GB
set image_cacheMinK "2048" // might need to raise this to prevent crashing
set image_downSizeSpecular "1" //enables Specular downsizing setting
set image_downSizeBump "1" //enables Bump mapping downsizing setting
set image_downSize "1" //use to enable image downsizing setting
set image_downSizeSpecularLimit "512" //1024 for 256mb gfx 512 for 128mb gfx 256 for 64mb
set image_downSizeBumpLimit "512" //1024 for 256mb gfx 512 for 128mb gfx 256 for 64mb
set image_downSizeLimit "512" //1024 for 256mb gfx. 512 for 128mb gfx. 256 for 64mb
set image_lodbias "0.2" //0 default, use fractions as image quality suffers as you approach 1
set r_brightness "1.4" //default 1.2
set r_gamma "1.5" //default 1
set image_lodbias "-1"
set r_vertexlight 1
set cg_enemycolor 0 255 0

01-28-2006, 04:25 AM
I'm running 1680x1050 at high details and get a constant 60 FPS. :)

01-28-2006, 04:35 AM
I'm running 1680x1050 at high details and get a constant 60 FPS. :)